Mar 16, 2015
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April 29
Home Page:
Virginia, USA
Jack of all trades and master of ... some?


"sorta spooky", from Virginia, USA

@tinyhydra If there were an Agree reaction button on profile posts, I would have slammed it so hard just now. Mar 3, 2018

    1. Elaienar
      @pixels All members with usernames beginning with the same two letters are the same person, world without end, amen.
      1. Deresto and unknownanonymous like this.
    2. Elaienar
      I got up early specifically to work on the comic so of course I'm scrolling through Tumblr instead of comicking.
    3. Elaienar
      @pixels Coughs Loudly is a beautiful work of art and regretting nothing is exactly the thing you should do.
    4. Elaienar
      @sicknastyspades I don't always have to have context to enjoy. Might wind up hunting context down myself, though.
    5. Elaienar
    6. IvyLB
      @Elaienar thanks. It feels weird to complain about given that its a constant in my life by now to eithe rbe in pain or on pain killers but meat suit majorly failing in unique and novel ways is A BIT MORE CONCERNING ACTUALLY and I might have a doctor put me in the hospital for a big times checkup in a few weeks over that so that is a thing.
      1. Elaienar
        Oh wow, that sucks. D: I hope your big times checkup results in good things!

        And I think a lot of people with constant/chronic pain feel like that? My mom does, she's been having a hard time getting used to saying "YES I hurt and would like it to stop, please."
        Apr 22, 2015
    7. Elaienar
      @IvyLB Today is def. an appropriate day for meatsuit fail if that is your thing. *pushes @littlemissCodeless box of hugs over*
    8. Elaienar
      *checks profile posts* On second thought, wristhurt and weirdsmell aren't so bad, given that it's apparently World Wide Terrible Day.
      1. kmoss likes this.
    9. Elaienar
      My wrist hurts and everything smells weird. *fuss fuss*
    10. unknownanonymous
      you're welcome!
    11. unknownanonymous
      *does my part of the high five*
      1. Elaienar
        High five achieved!
        Apr 21, 2015
    12. unknownanonymous
      omfg we just used the exact same wording. "a polite business transaction."
      1. Elaienar
        *high fives across the internet*
        Apr 21, 2015
    13. unknownanonymous
      a polite business transaction, i think the idea is, basically. which yeah, "thanks" might be totes meaningless as what it literally means yet as a signifier of "i see you as a person, not just a dehumanized automaton," it does mean something?! one of those social cues, i guess.
      1. Elaienar likes this.
      2. Elaienar
        Yes, I think you are correct. Saying thanks for something you're paying someone to do isn't necessary, so I guess the fact that they do it anyway indicates goodwill and yeah, seeing you as a person and not just a fleshy dispenser of services.
        Apr 21, 2015
    14. unknownanonymous
      :D nice. and yeah, like it is easy to end up saying "thanks" ad infinitium when people just keep on saying/doing things that it seems appropriate to say "thanks" for and rude not to. like, if i don't say, "thanks" again, will they think i hate them or something ridiculous like that?
      1. Elaienar
        Yeah, I get that too. And then sometimes I get mixed up and say thanks for something I'm not sure I should be - my boss sees me off each night with "thank you" so of course I have to say "thank you" too, but like, I thought this was a business transaction?
        Apr 20, 2015
      2. Elaienar
        If I say "thank you" does that make it a social interaction? or just a polite business transaction? Am I saying thank you for giving me work, or money, or both, or what is even going on here I'm so embarrassed and confused now.
        Apr 20, 2015
      3. Elaienar
        (Yeah so I may be terrified of my bosses because they're super polite and nice and I'm not sure if that means we are friends or what. Am I allowed to be friends with a boss, that seems irregular.)
        Apr 20, 2015
    15. unknownanonymous
      @Elaienar thanks again! (goddamn it I hope i got the etiquette right and aren't saying "thanks" too much here.)
      1. Elaienar
        I have no idea what the etiquette about how many times you're allowed to say "thanks" is either. Actually, when I was a kid my siblings and I used to play a game that went like this:
        Apr 20, 2015
      2. Elaienar
        Player One: Thanks!
        Player Two: You're welcome!
        Player One: Thanks for saying "you're welcome"!
        Player Two: Thanks for saying "thanks" for saying you're welcome!

        Repeat until bored or laughing too much to continue. Anyway, yeah, you're good.
        Apr 20, 2015
    16. unknownanonymous
      yep. it is two paintings i did this year, in my painting class, lying on one another. and thanks!
      1. Elaienar likes this.
      2. Elaienar
        Nice work!
        Apr 20, 2015
    17. Elaienar
    18. Elaienar
      Accidents so far: scraped up my ankle with a razor, hit my leg with a car door, slipped in mud and executed a perfectly elegant pratfall.
    19. Elaienar
      It's that time of the month when I am suddenly covered in injuries (see avatar).
    20. Elaienar
      My mom's updating my granma re: my brother's huge awful prank and I just heard her say he's been planning this since DECEMBER.
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  • About

    April 29
    Home Page:
    Virginia, USA
    Jack of all trades and master of ... some?
    Gender Identity:
    Perpetually sleep-deprived energy-depleted webcomic artist with an interest in a lot of things, like languages, theology, human behaviour, culture and society, the way the light filters through the blanket over my garret window (I'm an artist so I live in a garret, starving), and why there are only two pairs of socks in my drawer right now when I'm positive that there were two dozen just the other day. I like to write but I don't do it a lot. I don't enjoy drawing (usually) but I do it so much that I think I must like it.

    My name is pronounced el-ay-en-ar (like the letters L-A-N-R) and can be shortened to El or Elai if you like. It's the name of the character I usually played as in my fantasy RPG forum days, and it's a bastardization of Quenya elen (star) + ear (sea). I've used it pretty much everywhere for about a decade.


    I draw webcomics.
    A Girl & Her Shadow | Maria
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