Mar 16, 2015
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April 29
Home Page:
Virginia, USA
Jack of all trades and master of ... some?


"sorta spooky", from Virginia, USA

@tinyhydra If there were an Agree reaction button on profile posts, I would have slammed it so hard just now. Mar 3, 2018

    1. Elaienar
      "But why did feudalism end?" *clamour as three different people try to explain six different reasons all at the same time*
      1. Beldaran
        The Handmaiden Rebellions.
        May 25, 2015
      2. Elaienar
        It took me like thirty seconds to get that, during which time I googled the phrase expecting Interesting History and got a lot of results for the Margaret Atwood novel instead. :'D
        May 25, 2015
    2. Elaienar
      @BPD anon Same(ish). I can look at art and think "oh, that's pretty" but that's it. Images don't stick with/interest me like stories do.
    3. Elaienar
      Helping little sister #2 edit a paper. Result: giggling over me accidentally saing "Leo da nardi" instead of "Leonardo da Vinci".
    4. Elaienar
      Took a message for my mom! Message reads: "wa wawa wa hydrangeas". The lady on the phone was talking kinda fast.
      1. kmoss and Kaylotta like this.
    5. Elaienar
      My mom just insisted that we redo a farewell "with eye contact!" and then started giggling when we did. ("That's so uncomfortable!")
      1. Lazarae likes this.
    6. Elaienar
      1. Fish butt likes this.
      2. Fish butt
        Fish butt
        Yay! I posted my two idiots on there. :)
        May 13, 2015
    7. Elaienar
      I should eat an hour ago. *shaking but not crying irl*
    8. Elaienar
      I forgot about my tea and now it is lukewarm.
      1. kmoss likes this.
      2. kmoss
        this made me remember i was going to make tea
        May 5, 2015
      3. Elaienar
        Yay! I hope you have a nice cup of tea and don't forget it. :D
        May 5, 2015
    9. unknownanonymous
    10. unknownanonymous
      if you're right, that's a weight off my mind. :D if only i didn't see that post in the first place... *sigh*
      1. Elaienar
        Tumblr strikes again! Didn't we have a refugee thread around here somewhere? Anyway, good night!
        May 4, 2015
    11. Elaienar
      @unknownanonymous Anyway, from the comments I've seen, very few people are taking it seriously.
      1. unknownanonymous likes this.
    12. Elaienar
      The easiest thing would be to check tags but of course notes only link directly to the post if a comment was added. Of course. Why, Tumblr?
    13. Elaienar
      @unknownanonymous It could be a joke, yeah. I'm investigating but Tumblr is hard to navigate.
      1. unknownanonymous likes this.
    14. unknownanonymous
      that's good. just... why does tumblr have to introduce so many dumb, hard to remember and maybe even contradictory Social Rules? (this one might be a joke but i can't tell.) like i'm scared enough as it is, honestly!
      1. Elaienar
        Oh whoops I could have commented here! Yeah, anyway, the comments I saw look mostly jokey, so I think it probably is a joke.
        May 4, 2015
    15. Elaienar
      @unknownanonymous That's ... definitely not a thing with everyone. Source: I am an artist, it is not a thing with me.
      1. unknownanonymous likes this.
    16. Elaienar
      (I take babies v. seriously and usually introduce myself by name and shake hands. This is amusing to adults but gratifying to babies.)
      1. vegacoyote and Lazarae like this.
    17. Elaienar
      @Lazarae 1) Do not listen to @Snitchanon 2) do not babytalk 3) sing songs, read storybooks, play clapping games?
      1. Kaylotta and Lazarae like this.
      2. Snitchanon
        Spoilsport! I'll have you know I am a licensed professional baby devourer.
        May 2, 2015
      3. Elaienar
        Oh, well, if you've got a licence I withdraw my previous advice. I was only worried that babies might not like being devoured in an unprofessional manner!
        May 2, 2015
    18. Elaienar
      Okay, time for drawing with X-Files!
    19. Elaienar
      @Bel Capricorn My oldest little brother will not drink fizzy drinks at all, ever.
    20. Elaienar
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  • About

    April 29
    Home Page:
    Virginia, USA
    Jack of all trades and master of ... some?
    Gender Identity:
    Perpetually sleep-deprived energy-depleted webcomic artist with an interest in a lot of things, like languages, theology, human behaviour, culture and society, the way the light filters through the blanket over my garret window (I'm an artist so I live in a garret, starving), and why there are only two pairs of socks in my drawer right now when I'm positive that there were two dozen just the other day. I like to write but I don't do it a lot. I don't enjoy drawing (usually) but I do it so much that I think I must like it.

    My name is pronounced el-ay-en-ar (like the letters L-A-N-R) and can be shortened to El or Elai if you like. It's the name of the character I usually played as in my fantasy RPG forum days, and it's a bastardization of Quenya elen (star) + ear (sea). I've used it pretty much everywhere for about a decade.


    I draw webcomics.
    A Girl & Her Shadow | Maria
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