(I'm always amused when I see people quoting tumblr posts that have crossed my dash)
This is my reaction gifs folder. They're just bookmarks, but now going through them I'm realizing that that was a bad idea :P But since I have...
.... I'm not even that surprised This is the fandom that dropped 2k on fan trolls
... What
Karat is a hufflepuff that thinks he is a slytherin. I'll have to post my ships some other time, but I'd ship just about anything, so that's...
I would be like "Hey! We haven't talked in awhile and I was thinking about you recently. What's up?/How are you doing?/How's life?/whatever...
I don't really have any advice at the moment, but good luck
That was always one of my favorite eps xD
It super frustrates me when the package and finished product differ like that. I really enjoy the way backstitching looks, so that's part of the...
People are mad that they're getting banned in schools and thus kids who might need them more can't use them. They don't do anything for me...
The closest thing I can find on google images is Bazooka Chew Bitz? But it's still not right as it doesn't have the picture I described. =/
Okay! So this has bugged me since I was, like ten (~2003). When I was 4-5 (1997-1998) There was this type of candy that I absolutely LOVED. We...
I'm pretty sure the file is too big to upload to kintsugi, lol. Maybe a link to dropbox or something?
i can't tell if this is a joke or not, so [SPOILER]
[SPOILER] I have a lot of other thoughts, but I didn't feel like cluttering up thread with replies to months old stuff xD I am now completely...
[SPOILER] oh it looks like part 2 aired today? will air? I'm a little confused but it's available on cartoonnetwork.com so SHRUG [SPOILER]...
So apparently, I stopped keeping up with SU right when things were getting really interesting! xD I stopped right before Steven's Dream. So....
MAN I miss Rocket Power and Wild Thornberries...
I missed how the eclipse thing was gotten and why and everything about it basically. i may have been multitasking while watching x.x (i have a bad...
okay but like, i thought the pen thing was gonna be a bigger deal than it was. it makes me sad OKAY GOOD THAT WAS ACTUALLY A THING i was so...
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