Okay so I need someone else to read this so I can talk to them about it Time to Orbit: Unknown It's a sci fi story about Aspen Greaves who wakes...
I had a generic cover letter dealie that I was using but I wanted to beef it up a bit, and then I just ended up rambling so I want to kind of...
So I wanted a thread for the "is this an autistic thing?" thread, but more generalized for any brainweird. This thread is intended to be open to...
Yooooooo I'm so bad about updating my vent thread, I have no idea if I'll even use this that often. Uh, no rules really bc I haven't had...
So, I'm writing this post on behalf of my boyfriend. He's at work right now and was hoping to get some responses before he gets home. His online...
A Series of Unfortunate Events thread! I didn't see one, but if there is already one, just link me and I'll move there. The Netflix series is...
Basically that. She's strongly anti-gay as far as I can tell just because "the Bible says so." Which. Okay I'm a Christian too, but I'm taking...
So this thread has probably been made before by someone else, but I can't find it. I want to start an etsy to sell the random crochet and cross...
Hey there! If you didn't see in the languages/linguistics thread, I am doing a linguistic thesis! And for my thesis, I'm doing a survey to collect...
[I'll change the title if someone gives me a better one] So, a thread for what it is or isn't. Or if you experience it or not. Or whatever else.
Yeah. I really don't think suicide was eir end goal?? Because they were asking about continuing school and going to our glass class tomorrow. But...
So I went to the doctor, got confirmation that I have pcos, which I've been thinking for a few years now, and now am working on treating that, so...
Apparently, my friend experiences something akin to motion sickness when listening to freeform jazz. She was wondering if anyone experiences...
Facts/story up front: Been anxious and depressed for years, I'm thinking starting around spring 7th grade (uh, spring 2006?)? But that's looking...
[er, moved to the advice subforum because i think that's what I was after? sorry still not really used to forums]
I haven't been on tumblr, but someone posted this on facebook and now I'm confused. (Then I read a science article and I am still mildy confused)...
So! I am fairly certain that the way I process words is pretty weird. Then again, I think that about a lot of the things I do which people say is...
Do we have a linguistics thread? Because based on the response to my intro post we need a linguistics thread. I have a surprisingly number of...
No, seriously, I have a presentation tomorrow that I should be preparing for. Anywho, hi! I'm Re. You may or may not recognize me from Seebs'...
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