Hey @jacktrash do you have any links/could point me in the right direction where I could find out what a grunt level soldier/NCO of that time period would be carrying around with them? Also what was in first aid kits in those time periods? Anyone else is of course also welcome to answer. Edited to add: Yes I know google exists but my google fu is weak so it´s almost certain I´ll miss things.
http://www.napoleon-series.org/military/organization/Britain/Infantry/Rifles/c_rifles.html if you just want a quick info package, there's one for you. :) if you want to do more extended research, i advise searching by the name of the war. napoleonic war, us civil war, etc. and then 'soldier's kit' or 'soldier's personal effects' or the like.
Thank you, that helps a lot! And if I hunt down a specific war, I might get lucky and find some bona fide Romanian ones. I´d assume medkits/first aid kits would be around the same places? (We have some wiggle room since this is a universe with more tech than ours. Girl Genius verse) Warning: Here be sperging! Feel free to just lookit the pictures or whatever. Characters, posted with permission. Probably forever WIP GG verse has people called sparks who are geniuses of varying intensity who can bend the laws of nature a little. hus, tech can be fairly anachronistic, but i like to know the rules before I break them. Our RP is set before canon, we hace decided 18th century-ish. there is one spark family who rose to power very early, and who are known for being 1) evil 2) brilliant and 3) nucking futs. We´re playing jägermonsters, which are this families grenadiers/shock-troops. Humans altered to be super strong, scary looking, and nearly immortal. They don´t appear to be nearly as structured as most armies, uniforms and equipment vary greatly. Cosmina´s mine, Cezar belongs to @TwoBrokenMirrors
looks like fun! i haven't been able to get into girl genius because of the way he draws faces, but i'm roughly familiar with the premise, and i reckon you have a lot of wiggle room in terms of historical period. might be fun to add a few odd inventions or devices to the soldiers' kit to go with the mad science theme. :D
Yeah, the art is kinda distorted. I got used to it, but for example can´t watch SU because of that art. Hmm mad sciency devices... No Cosmina you aren´t getting a flamethrower. But maybe a sort of lighter. (Cosmina is an NCO. This means she gets paperwork. Her paperwork gets "Blown into the fire by the wind" suspiciously often)
the guys at the military science library potsdam might be able to help you. if i read it correctly, you can use the library for free even if you're not a militarynscientist or student thereof. http://www.mgfa-potsdam.de/html/zms_bib.php
Generally not much. Soldiers actually carried what they needed. Other stuff traveled in wagons in the train. Found two equipment lists British, 1809 French, 1812
Thanks. And yeah didn´t think it would be much. Also looking for stuff like extra boot soles and heels, that a 21st century citykid like me just wouldn´t consider.