A friendly desert community - the WTNV thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by 4ppl3m1nt, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. 4ppl3m1nt

    4ppl3m1nt here to bring #content

    By your resident WTNV nerdlord who keeps bringing it up in every conversation, finally, the dedicated WTNV thread for all things related to our favourite desert town and it's charming populace!

    I'd like to put this first post aside for WTNV links masterpost - feel free to suggest links to be added.

    Official sites:

    WTNV on Commonplace Books
    : http://commonplacebooks.com/

    WTNV Episodes and special announcements on
    : http://commonplacebooks.com/

    WTNV Live Shows on Bandcamp: http://nightvale.bandcamp.com/

    WTNV store on Topatoco: http://www.topatoco.com/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=TO&Category_Code=CPB

    Night Vale crew Twitter accounts:

    Joseph Fink: https://twitter.com/PlanetofFinks
    Jeffrey Cranor: https://twitter.com/happierman
    Cecil Baldwin: https://twitter.com/CecilBaldwinIII
    Dylan Marron: https://twitter.com/dylanmarron
    Jasika Nicole: https://twitter.com/TheJasikaNicole
    Hal Lublin: https://twitter.com/hallublin
    Symphony Sanders: https://twitter.com/SymphonySanders
    Meg Bashwiner: https://twitter.com/LadyBash

    Fan-made sites:

    WTNV episode transctipts on tumblr: http://cecilspeaks.tumblr.com/

    WTNV dedicated wikia: http://nightvale.wikia.com/wiki/Welcome_to_Night_Vale_Wiki

    This is all I can think of right now, let me know if there's something I missed!
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2015
  2. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    ;; I'm behind right now, so I have little useful to say except NOOOO, THERE'S DEPRESSING STUFF AHEAD. CARLOS, HOW COULD YOU HURT YOUR CECIL SO.

    Ahem. I am mature.

    I kinda ship Cecil/Steve Carlsberg spades, which is probably bad of me.
    • Like x 5
  3. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Personally, I think Carlos isn´t intentionally neglecting Cecil, he just get´s so focused on his job that he loses track of other stuff? (I kind of headcanon him as autistic with scientific anomalies as his special interest.) He obviously wants to spend time with Cecil, he said he wanted Cecil to join him after all.
    • Like x 2
  4. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    ... huh. I think I always subconsciously pinged Cecil as the autistic one, actually. I like this headcanon though.

    And... need to relisten to everything and then make fanworks, help. I am easily swayed by the sperging of others. As is obvious by my title. 8|
    • Like x 1
  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Huh. Can you tell my what pings you autistic in Cecil? I´m curious.
  6. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    @Valeire. To me Carlos wanting Cecil to come to him is his wish to share something extremely important to him with someone he cares about. The lack of search I still read as just getting sidetracked. I think we´ll just have to agree to disagree. No bad feelings or anything, we just both interpret the same actions very differently on a level were logic is not all that involved.
  7. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Case in point. For me the fact that he honestly doesn´t notice reads as a clue that it´s not intentional. But well, as you said Clueless vs Uncaring are pretty much optimism and pessimism. Also I find it wierd how often I wind up being the optimistic one lately.
    We Nightvalians do love our porn, don´t we....
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2015
  8. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    I'm sadly not that far yet. I got bummed out by the fandom drama, and just... fell out of the habit of listening. Much to my annoyance because I really like the show. :|

    About Cecil reading spergy to me... Mm, Night Vale in general reads to me kind of like a metaphor for brainweirds, in a way. Folks don't always react to people and events with the emotions they might be expected to have, which perturbs "normal" outsiders. They take some seemingly unimportant things very seriously, as if they were a special interest - like the PTA, or Desert Bluffs. They ignore many social norms - like 'hey, two gay dudes kissing!'. Cecil in particular dresses oddly, appears socially awkward, seems to have few strong in-person relationships, has a special interest in town events and the radio...

    I'm not expressing that as well as I should, it really has been a while since I caught up, but I find the fandom divide interesting, re: interpretations of Cecil and Carlos. :D
    • Like x 1
  9. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I feel you on fandom drama. What helped me with that was going back and listenting to the old episodes bringing the feel of that back for myself. But YMMW.
    And that´s an interesting reading, I´ll have to think about it.
  10. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Yeah, I'm sure that's what will do it for me too, I just haven't made myself do it for some reason. :P I'm going to have to fix that.

    I'm not sure about it myself, because I didn't really connect the dots about my reading until just now, but... hm. I'll have to see if I still feel that way after relistening.
  11. bramblepatch

    bramblepatch ground/water dualtype

    I'm really hoping that sooner or later we get more of an idea of how Night Vale connects/relates to the outside world? Especially since there seem to be a lot of other places that are either Night Vale-style weird or in some transitional state, and it seems like we might be slowly moving toward some more revelations on that front - especially with how the University of Michigan plot has been developing.

    (I suspect that knowing more about the wider world of the NVverse would also help get a more accurate read on Carlos - for a long time I was inclined to see him as a particularly quickly adjusted INTERLOPER outsider from a relatively normal place, but it's been getting clearer and clearer that that wherever he's from is pretty weird in its own right.)
    • Like x 2
  12. Petra

    Petra space case

    I love how the University of Michigan plot is going!

    Considering he said
    Scientists don't need to read books?
    There's definitely something more than a little off about Carlos.
  13. bramblepatch

    bramblepatch ground/water dualtype

    He also doesn't seem to believe that botany is a science, and apparently was UoWII's only professor of science. His home seems to be a little less science-averse than Night Vale itself, but they're clearly not operating on the same ideas about science as our world does.
    • Like x 1
  14. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Yeah, up until I saw Librarians last March, I thought Carlos a normal person who stumbled onto Night Vale...

    And I'm finally caught up! Well, except for the one that just aired. XD

    *insert contextless confused/worried noises here*

    Edit: I'm unsure what counts as spoilers, stop to be safe. .. (sorry)
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  15. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator


    (today's broadcast was brought to you by excited screaming)
    • Like x 1
  16. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I will report anyone who doesn´t put their spoilers under a spoiler to the secret police and the vague yet menacing government agency.
  17. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator


    also I scared the shit out of my mom by my scared screaches upon realizing Kevin was TALKING, was SOMEHOW STILL PLOTTING SHIT, had CECIL'S PHONE NUMBER WHAT NO
    • Like x 2
  18. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    I'm gonna have to do a re-listen because there was just SO MUCH
    Cecil, what exactly is going on with you? Have you been silent for the last two weeks?? People kept sounding like they were trying to catch up with him like he hasn't been around....
  19. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    That Cecil is aware of and fully willing to meet with Kevin of all people is making me anxious about the next episode. Especially considering the last time they met Cecil pretty enthusiastically narrated Steve throwing Kevin into the Blinding Light.
    It felt good to hear Cecil be so happy about vacation. BUT I am kind of afraid of him not coming back? Or at least staying away for longer than he should. Also maybe I missed something but wasn't there still no way actually BACK TO night vale right now? It seems uncharacteristically careless for Cecil to break into the Dog Park without knowing if he can come back at all. Also that he doesn't believe Dana when she says its not her fault that he is acting strangely is rubbing me the wrong way but I am not sure who I am angry with about this?
    I think they will probably find an in-universe justification for us to still hear the reunion and the kevin-confrontation. I believe the mobile radio equipment from NUMBERS should still be in tact and maybe he will take it with him. Or he will keep contact with Dana via phone? We've had a few Answering Machine narration gimmicks so why not use that for another episode.
    All in all I am doing the anxious wibbling thing and hope for the next episode :(
  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Yeah have to agree about Cecil being a total wreck.
    My inner Kevin fangirl wants to expect Kevin to be better now that he has been out of STREX's bubble of influence for a bit maybe? Remember how he implied in OOD-B that he fought at least as valiantly against STREX as Cecil but simply lost from lack of support and sheer duration of his rebellion. I want to believe that maybe Kevin is getting slowly back to his pre-STREX-self and maybe becoming a good guy but my rational thinking skills are not quite bad enough yet to really believe that is what they are trying to build towards, especially considering Kevin still sounded blissed out and deliriously happy in the message he left Cecil.
    I can stay hopeful for some time still unless Lauren appears which will be the exact second I know to buckle my emotional attachement to Kevin's Tragic Past TM up and get ready to get my hopes broken alongside my heart -shrug-
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