Heyo! I just got to see my new psychiatrist today, and he prescribed me some new meds. I know meds affect everyone different, so I figured I would ask to see if anyone has taken these and what they experienced. He's got me on 10mg of paxil/paroxetine hcl and i'm going to also be taking lamictal, going from 25mg up to 100mg over the course of four weeks. Anyone had experience with these?
I haven't taken paxil, but I've been taking lamictal for several years and it's helped me quite a bit. It was the first medication that I took that I felt was working. It didn't mess with my ability to feel happy at all, but my bad moods didn't dip nearly so low, and that was excellent. It did make my acne worse (I'm over 25 and still have acne.......) but it was worth it for me. They will play up the whole "rash of doom" thing a whole lot, and you do need to know it's a thing I guess, but it's very rare and it's not like it will kill you immediately. I saw a set of blog or forum posts (it's been a long time, I really don't remember now) by a woman who actually got that rash, and she was walking around with it for days and days before she got into the doctor's office and nothing catastrophic happened. Don't let it freak you out too much. Worry more about whether it's working.
Paxil gave me memory blanks (like I would find myself place with no memory of getting their) but from what I understand that was not a at all normal side effect or reaction.
Thanks for the accounts guys! Yeah, the lamictal was prescribed actually to help me combat my skin picking compulsion... idk how it's gonna do that, but good to know about the rash. I figured i wouldn't get it, cuz I never get the weird side effects... (except for the first time i got on anti-depressants and had fainting spells and literally shook too hard to hold my tablet pen)
I'm on paxil, and it does a great job of controlling my anxiety and depression. I'm hella sensitive to medications so I got totally floored by the side-effects. For the first week after being prescribed, I was nauseated, dizzy, photosensitive, and extra-aggressive. Plus, my anxiety and depression both got a bit worse. After that week though, it all cleared up and I felt AMAZING. I feel fuzzy-brained sometimes though, but I suppose it's a fair trade-off. Be sure to take the paxil with food, tho.
Oh, I haven't been taking either with food oops. I've been taking them before I go to bed, around 11:30pm or something like that. I guess I sleep through the most severe side-effects. Have noticed some brain fuzzies though.
You're probably not as sensitive as I am; I was practically bedridden. I had to stop taking my paxil at night because it fucked up my sleep. EDIT: cripes im glad someone else is getting the fuzzies i was worried i was going insane when i started noticing it.