Awkward Greetings!

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Hedgepigs, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. Hedgepigs

    Hedgepigs New Member

    'Ello everybody! I figured if I didn't say hi/introduce myself now I would probably talk myself out of it, so here I am. I go by Hedgepigs in Luka's side chat, but I also go by Kiki elsewhere.

    I'm a late-20s married lesbian living in butt nowhere California, next to a county that my friend's abnormal psychology textbook specifically used as an example of one of the worst places to live and seek mental health treatment. Moving further south did not help. I currently have the world's worst therapist and am on a medication combination that doesn't do much, but did just get on delicious ADHD meds that make me hate myself just barely less, because at least now I can complete tasks. I sometimes write and draw, but lately, I mostly foster kittens and am too anxious about interacting with strangers to successfully home them.

    Here is one of my fuzzy home invaders.

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  2. Hobo


    Welcome @Hedgepigs ! I'm also from Luka's sidechat, same name, haha. I think we were talking not so long ago? Like... a few days, or maybe a week ago (my sense of time is ridiculously awful). It amazes me that your therapist still has a job, honestly. That's a cute cat! I'm sorry to hear about the other kitten that passed, though :( That's rough. Is Joey (oh god am I remembering the name right?) doing well?
  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

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