Hello! I'm Imo, living in either very cold, or very hot Canada. (There is no escape) I am a student. ( I am also bad at introductions) My tumblr username is the same as here, imoyram. If you do decide to check out my tumblr, you'll see a lot of fandoms, but mostly centered on Yogscast, and some harry potter. (Other fandoms include, doctor who, steven universe, homestuck (Kinda), phoenix wright, MLP FiM, Pokemon, and LOTR). I am also a huge fan of videogames, and as such, I play an awful lot of modded minecraft. I do have some problems with my head, but I'm not really sure what yet, so I'm not going to make any guesses. So yeah, that's me.
curses multiple sisters? Foiled Again! (i only have one sister & one brother, and so I assume everyone else has the same experience)
Another sister pair on here? Clearly @Key and I must battle the two of you to the death. ...Joking aside, welcome to Kintsugi, where brainweird is the norm and people don't actually fight each other to the death, because that would be silly!
I'd like to point out Elaienar, that rawr means i love you in dinosaur. However, if that wasn't Kay's intention.... Grrrrrrr!