Bipolar depression

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by wish, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    What are some medications which have actually been useful for the depressive episodes of bipolar disorder? Thus far aripiprazole is only improving concentration, worsens suicidality and anxiety, and is neutral to everything else - and from what I've read antipsychotics in general aren't likely to do much anyway. Regular antidepressants just trigger mania; is there some medication in particular which is supposed to be prescribed in this situation, or which others have found anecdotally helpful?
  2. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    Besides alcohol
  3. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    I'm not good with understanding drug stuff, so my doctor has explained to me what the meds do as if she was talking to a 5 year old. Essentially I take depakote (a downer, helps manage mania by bringing down serotonin levels) and latuda (an upper, helps with depressive episodes by encouraging serotonin making) and we fucked with doses til they evened out. I still have high days and low days due to the nature of having a fluctuating brain mood maker, and I've learned coping skills to manage that. Not always well, but I'm getting there.

    Before that I was on Seroquel and boy does that shit dumb you down. The only upside was I was too stupid and sleepy to try and off myself or take over the world.

    I've also been on Prozac but I found out the hard way that I'm allergic to it and several of its family members, and there was another that dumped me in a severe manic episode from producing too much serotonin without a counterbalance.
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  4. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    So to actually answer the question (sorry, I got into a ramble) latuda, and to some degree Seroquel. Oh, also trintellix I guess, but even though it didn't trigger a manic episode, I couldn't feel anything other than unrelenting joy on that and it really fucked with me mentally.
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  5. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    Ok abilify sucks ass I hate it so goddamn much not worth it I would rather be depressed again than whatever the fuck this is
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  6. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    Doctor initially wanted to put me on vraylar but insurance would not cover it. I wonder if it would be a beter option but it is not one at this point
  7. Paradigm Shift

    Paradigm Shift Sleepy Girl Wants Love

    I have bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder.

    I'm on a pretty high dose of Anafranil for my depression, Lybalvi to counteract my paranoia and anxiety, Xanax to curb my panic, and Lamictal for my OCD. While my experiences with this mixture are up and down, my personal experience is that I do think the anafranil's been the most successful medication I've ever had for combating my depression. Confusingly, though, looking up anafranil indicates that you're supposed to tell your doctor if you have bipolar disorder before you get on it, which sounds like it'd be something to avoid...but it's done really well by me.

    I will say, however, that ever since I started taking all of those medications in tandem I've been feeling like I've got some creative sterility where I used to be full of ideas. I don't know if it's actually related or if I'm in a rut, but I know medication can sometimes squeeze your brain dry, so it's something to be aware of if you bring it up to your doctor.
    • Informative x 1
  8. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    I guess abilify is not working just making me sick and I am more depressed than before so now trying seroquel... not hopeful about it
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  9. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    Seroquel just makes me sleepy I still want to die
  10. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    Yeah it feels like trying to think through a thick layer of cotton, I feel absolutely retarded and can't do shit so I'm still fucking alive
  11. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    "Stop drinking on your meds" pfffff
  12. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    Akathisia mostly went away after reducing abilify, but after tacking seroquel on top of that it's back and I hate it so much I can;t sit still it almost hurts to not move around
  13. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    Maybe I will discuss trying something else thats not an antipsychotic when I next see my doc because this shit does not work
  14. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    My doctor is a dumb fucking bitch and now I get a higher dose of abilify again so WELCOME TO AKATHISIA CITY, SURELY THIS WILL MAKE ME LESS SUICIDAL
  15. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    ok abilify with seroqiuel actually is not a bad combo now that I've thought about it for a whiwle
  16. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    Now tacking on wellbutrin to the mix because I am a science experiment and need moar drugs of course. Fucking shoot me out back like old yeller please
  17. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    I've heard some horror stories about wellbutrin and am not looking forward to it :(
  18. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    My partner at work puked for 10 days straight while starting it and only stopped puking when he stopped it cold turkey. I get nauseous easily and that looks like the not too distant future
  19. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    Wellbutrin is agreeing with me so far! It's not giving me any side effects other than heart palpitations. This is the easiest drug I;ve ever been on, seriously it's not bad at all! I'm relieved

    They said I can get injection antipsychotics too instead of pills so I don't forget to take them or whatever. So that will be cool. Everything's gonna be fine
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  20. wish

    wish 2meirl42meirl4meirl

    I feel great on wellbutrin, I actually feel normal again instead of too high or too low. I can do stuff again and I have enough energy I actually enjoy things again. Even simple stuff like listening to music is enjoyable again. This is some good stuff, I feel awesome :)
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