can't fade into obscurity if there's nothing left to fade

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by Firo, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    hi, foolish reader, you have walked into my lair of boredom. feel free to poke the garbage pile.

    list of things I like and will probably rarely be posting about includes .hack, Final Fantasy IX, Stand Still Stay Silent, Caves of Qud, my OCs, D&D, my OCs in D&D, and suffering

    yesterday was a nice D&D session where I got to properly use spirguards

    we keep getting magic items my guy doesn't want

    everyone else has at least one magic item but Clem's running around in his base gear

    not that he's suffering a whole lot for it, taking Tough as a cleric while ALREADY being the unintentionally tankiest fucker in the party and spamming lv 4 upcast spirit guardians is funny that way. but still
  2. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    kiwame tarou return waiting simulator
  3. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    when there's a stable vortex generating giant weeps that is very nice

    I am, of course, talking about Caves of Qud and not what substitutes for my eyeballs
  4. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    boobs are sweaty
    central heating already
    mom's spaghetti

    I'm not sure what I want to play today. do I want to play anything or do I just want to melt slowly

    or watch Kamen Rider Build...

    or rewatch OOO...

    I'll probably play Qud again.

    also I need to follow more artists who post stuff I like on twitter but I wouldn't know where to even begin
  5. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    I can roughly tell which of my cats is grossly licking their lips because one of them generally does it nearly soundlessly and another does it really, really grossly and noisily

    time to buy a binaural mic and record some quality cat mouth noise ASMR /s
  6. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    man I live for the antimlm subreddit. this is multilevel marketing mlm btw not the other kind
  7. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    until now I had completely forgotten that KC & the sunshine band actually did this and not just baby give it up
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
  8. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    I miss the age of tumblr character askblogs
    • Agree x 3
  9. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    banjolele. it exists. what
    • Informative x 1
  10. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    people's insistence on playing d&d via voice and voice only is... hm... generally unpleasant and considerably inconvenient. I mean, they can do whatever they want, but it seems like even when you try to branch out and start even CONSIDERING games with absolute strangers, you hit the "voice only" wall.

    and I can't really... do that for Personal Inability To Listen Well reasons.

    but it's okay and I end up playing d&d anyway! without voice. voice sux

    also fantasygrounds is indescribably better for my lazy and not particularly smart ass than roll20 is as far as VTTs go, even though it isn't free

    я ж сдохну вдумчиво и одухотворённо слушать 6 тараторящих человек на протяжении 4 часов. у меня ж в первые полчаса мозг дойдёт до состояния йогурта, оставленного летом на подоконнике. издевательство какое-то вообще. "ну так быстрее" ненене нафиг, мне вам человечьим голосом говорить, так ещё и спешить при этом? идите, собственно, в йух. вот.
    • Agree x 2
  11. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go



    saaaale steam sale.
    • Agree x 1
  12. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    /unhinges jaw and artfully barfs over a piece of paper

    /hangs piece on wall

    /piece of paper says, in barfscript, "FINAL FANTASY IX IS BETTER THAN FINAL FANTASY VII"
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2018
  13. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    VII smells bad

    IX is good

    my opinion is such.

    actually generally why did FF have to go the weird techy "VII works I guess" route from then on

    retuuuurn the faaaantasy

    or suffer my cuuuuuurse

    also ff13 and its sequel offspring should never have existed
    • Agree x 1
  14. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    casual game recs to those who dare wander in:

    cultist simulator, a game in which you are a cultist. it's by the guy who principally wrote for fallen london and sunless sea. personally recommended
    crosscode, a rpg about being inside an MMO but you're a cute girl who can only say "Hi!" for a while. also there are a lot of shooting puzzles. it's neat

    oh also valkyria chronicles 4 IS actually a pretty solid successor to valkyria chronicles 1, albeit it has slightly more boob. whether that is a good thing or a bad thing, naturally, is in the eye of the boobholder
    • Like x 1
  15. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    if you like spooky games, Duskers is actually a really solid scary game with VERY ATMOSPHERIC SOUND DESIGN for what it is

    there is no gore, no sudden skeletons in closets. just you, malfunctioning cameras, a console through which you command your derelict-trawling drones, and rooms that contain things that want to eat your drones.

    and there's no guarantee you'll be able to detect them before you open the door to check.

    and sometimes THEY'LL open the door.

    did I mention you command drones through a console? you have to type ya shit! you can do macros, but you have to TYPE "open d4" or "close d6", where those are door designations, for example.

    good luck with them panicfingers
    • Like x 1
  16. knifecentipede

    knifecentipede guillotine-chan

    but how do you feel about final fantasy X
  17. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    I feel HA HA HA HA! A HA HA HA HA!

    actually seriously speaking, I think Final Fantasy X was pretty good - I enjoyed it considerably, and the swimming scene was really memorable.

    my actual unpopular opinion is that X-2 had better gameplay and I really enjoyed the dress-sphere system, though the plot was more confusing.
    • Like x 1
  18. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    me thinking about replaying megaman zero: :)
    me remembering mmz 4 exists: :(

    I've resolved to just mentally ignore most plot things that happen there because of reasons
  19. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    more d&d things: we spent last session just wandering around a city and my cleric has enlightened our druid from a place where snow doesn't happen about why yellow snow is yellow

    this is only important because our druid eats or rolls in literally everything, he's a tiefling but it feels like he's constantly channeling a goat

    he's eaten lipstick

    my nobleboy cleric thinks he smely
  20. Firo

    Firo it's not heaven if all dogs don't go

    miscellaneous whining:

    since I never actually talk to anyone besides for when people talk to me first, I haven't had an actual proper Thing That Qualifies As A Conversation with anyone but 1 specific person in what is probably centuries

    having a social life would be nice but no one tends to engage me and I have no personal excuse for engaging anyone

    but d&d is good for socials and I think that's been improving my life a little
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