Concerning recent events (tw: whining)

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by mercurialarchivist, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. mercurialarchivist

    mercurialarchivist Is probably not a video game protagonist

    [edit: done]
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
  2. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    *virtual hugs* that sounds stressful
  3. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry. Are you feeling any better?
  4. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    You've gone through a lot! I'd be hurt, too, if I went through a major surgery and my easily accessible family just... didn't bother to see me, when they took pains to see my other sibling. He was in a bad way, but so were you! Appendicitis is fucking serious.

    Maybe try something nonconfrontational but gently and politely suggestive like, "I would have liked seeing you when I was in the hospital. It was frightening and being with family, even over the phone, would have helped a lot. Could we spend some time together now, instead? It would be really comforting for me." If you wife is amenable, you could change the phrasing to "[Wife] and I" where appropriate so they don't try to pull the "Well, you WIFE was there" dodge.
    • Like x 1
  5. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

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