delusions and feeling like the world is crazy 2016 edition

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by Fucker, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. Fucker

    Fucker Well-Known Member

    ok first off, this is gonna be a general vent and also kinda looking for reassurance, the topic may be silly but idk.
    please do not post upsetting content about "how we are all doomed" and shit in this thread i really dont need it right now

    anyways, ok so ive struggled with delusions in the past which caused heavy dissasociation and also im very easily upset by end of the world conspiracies and conspiracies in general. i have a very complicated relationship to my delusion episodes and rather not talk about it, but the aftermath makes me prone to relapsing and im extremely paranoid in general

    i kinda fucking hate how its become a meme to talk about how crazy 2016 has been, i mean sure its a strange year with a lot of bs, but when people go around saying its a tv show thats ending and shit i get super paranoid, i mean logically i know they just do it to cope i guess but ugh. i feel like its kind of a self fulfilling propechy where journalists seek out crazy stories on the sideline to report on/they get more attention simply to reinforce that the year is indeed crazy. idk .

    i unno this whole thing is making me dissasociate and giving me heavy unreality thoughts. i feel like im going fucking crazy, im easily moved by delusions and i am an anxious wreck that cling to end of the world conspiracies

    i just want a hug and a tell its gonna be alright, i know its like a meme or some shit but its genuinely getting to my head and stressing me
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  2. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster


    It's gonna be alright. Perhaps not the best, but alright. We're more stubborn than we often feel, I think. And I think you're stubborn enough to weather this storm. It might be rough, but we're here you know?
  3. Fucker

    Fucker Well-Known Member

    thanks hhh

    its actually not as much about political stuff and current events etc as it is my fringe brain tends to wanna believe reality itself is ripping at the seams, which i know is kinda ridic but the rhetoric is still screwing with my head

    you agree thats a pretty silly conclusion to draw from all of this right?

    being self aware while kinda delusional is so weird .. i havent relapsed in a while tho, only like bordeline
  4. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    It is pretty silly, yeah. But it's "real" and concerning to your nerves. So even if it's silly it's not that easy to just go oh well this is stupid. And that's fucking hard to deal with in my experience. And yeah I get how weird that is. It's like...looking at yourself through a window and watching yourself do and feel things and you're just not...Really in control of things. At least that's how it's been for me with my crazy.

    So I guess what I'm saying is that even if it's silly you're not silly for being concerned or hurt by it. Brains are dumb.
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  5. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Holy shit yeah. This year is the worst year to dissociate in. And is definitely not helping my delusions that I'm some character in a book.
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  6. Fucker

    Fucker Well-Known Member

    yeah thanks! i know its super weird and frustrating its like sharing body with alex jones and then he takes over and youre just like wtf... ok thats a weird analogy omg.
    also when i asked that its more like, about getting reasurance that " hey this set of beliefs and jumping to conclusions is probably not rational or true" which helps me calm down cause then its easier to confirm its just my brain being a dick again
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  7. Fucker

    Fucker Well-Known Member

    it sure is a shitty year to dissasociate in, i like to think its media and confirmation bias. you get used to seeing that the year is terrible and odd, so your brain picks up more on that, aswell does society since its basically a social meme at this point. weird shit happens and maybe theres more this year, or maybe its just more highly reported on. idk. also i like to think its a social phenomenon with a natural explanation, like how the election may look radically different after both social change, all thats happening around the world and advanced social media. i think its actually a social "hysteria" kind of, instead of actually the world going insane.. but thats just my personal theory
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