Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Neurogabu, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. Neurogabu

    Neurogabu Garbage Day

    Spun off from the Gravity Falls thread, insanely enough.

    Okay I don't know whether we should start talking about Digimon Adventure Tri because the first movie's definitely coming out in the next few months and I AM SO EXCITED or if we should continue our Digimon Falls insanity here.
  2. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Both. Both is good. ::D
  3. Neurogabu

    Neurogabu Garbage Day

    Okay, so (largely) copypasta'd from the GF thread:

    Dipper: Somehow I find myself drifting towards Knowledge/Reliability, though looking at your chart I'm becoming more convinced towards Knowledge/Courage. He'd either have a Tentomon, Gomamon, or a Terriermon.
    Mabel: Light, without a doubt. Probably'd get a Patamon or, if Dipper has Terriermon, then a Lopmon?
    Soos: Reliability all the way. He'd likely have Veemon or Gomamon
    Wendy: Hoo, boy. After reading your chart, again, I'm leaning towards Friendship/Sincerity instead of Love/Sincerity, even if that never made much sense in the first place. Wendy'd definitely have a Hawkmon though. (now you see why Robbie would not be amused at being excluded though the only way I can see him with a Wormmon is if it's constantly a Stingmon and he's riding it with tears of joy in his eyes or some shit)
    Stanley: Probably the closest I can really have Stan be would be Hope, and, I dunno, Gabumon
    Stanford: Knowledge as well, probably can be considered the original bearer. I'd think he'd have Guilmon, if only for the fact that one of his mega forms can literally destroy universes just by existing.

    Of course, I've been dabbling in the Digimon Frontier season (you know, the one everybody seems to hate for reasons), and I think it actually aligns better if we're only talking about the main six characters, in which case:

    Dipper: Fire spirit
    Stanley: Light spirit
    Mabel: Wind spirit
    Soos: Thunder spirit
    Wendy: Ice spirit (and probably sports the best beast spirit to boot. fuck yeah Korikkakumon.)
    Stanford: Dark spirit (and also the spirit that should have been warned about stairs)

    Now that I think about it though, there are Ten Legendary Warriors from that series and therefore ten different elements. Thinking Pacifica would get Water. Earth, Wood, Steel though? Thinking Robbie would get Earth. Gideon... Steel? I don't know, but who else would have their beast spirit look like OH GOD. Does Fiddleford count on the wheel? I don't even anymore.

    Anyway, Tri releases the first OVA on November 21st. I can't wait to see my Gabumon in full HD glory. He looks fantastic in the trailers, even though everyone looks fantastic. Izzy no longer has those black void eyes. :U

    Matt and TK look too similar though. I can tell them apart, as TK's eyes are wider, but it appears he has taken a lesson in angst.
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