Friendish person who has been not doing well with their depression but has refused to seek help took a downward nose dive today and we aren't quite sure what to do about it, because they haven't actually made a suicide threat but their behavior turned very worrying. They came into the hss chat room after having disappeared from it for a few weeks when we had a disagreement and this exchange happened: [17:45:27] [person 1] i've burned my bridges with other chats before [17:45:36] [person 1] i don't trust anyone to do anything more than listen when i vent [17:47:48] [person2] being a good person is not something that comes automatically to anyone please don't give up on yourself [17:48:18] [person 1] i gave up on myself long ago, i'm just trying to work on keeping it repressed as long as i can [17:49:14] [chat mod] that's not a working plan for anything [17:49:31] [person 1] i'm not planning for anything [17:49:43] [person 1] i know one day i'm going to have that outburst that sends me to jail or results in my death [17:49:48] [person 1] i just live while i can Then he asked the mod to ban him from the chat, but the mod refused, so he left then blocked us all on tumblr and skype. Mod has been to his home and has his address if a call for an ambulance is needed, but we don't think he's quite at the point of being suicidal. He IS at the stage of trying to burn connections so he has excuses to get away with whatever he thinks will happen in the future. He needs some kind of outside intervention, but he's not in a state of mind where he can be convinced to call a hotline or seek more intensive mental health options (I know he has been to a psychiatrist for meds but I don't know if he's current on his prescription, or they aren't working, or he's stopped taking them, or what, but whatever the reason they are def not doing the job). So, is there an intermediate option for calling for emergency outside help that is more than giving him a hot line number but less than "calling 9-1-1 and sending you to the hospital"? Or is this a situation where it's better to er'r on the side of caution and call anyway? (They're in the Seattle area if anyone knows of some good area specific options we can look into.)
I don't know about Seattle specifically, but yeah I would err on the side of caution and call anyway- even if they're not actively committing suicide, won't they get taken for watch and hopefully given the care they need there?
Okay I called and they're going to send someone out to do a wellness check. Best case scenario, they're fine and they get a good wake up call.