Emergency medication refills?

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by shibrogane, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. shibrogane

    shibrogane New Member

    Okay, I really can't talk about this to anyone IRL, because their solution is "do the thing you really, really can't do, the thing you would rather die than do" and that is... not helpful!! So I guess I will ask you guys since you all seem pretty smart and reasonable and not... "do the thing that makes you puke when you think about it"-type?

    I have really, really severe PTSD/depression/anxiety/the whole nine yards. I'm also somewhere on the autism spectrum according to this psych evaluation my mom had done on me when I was eleven. (I guess it technically says something like "if shibrogane was male, these symptoms would indicate an autism-spectrum disorder, however something about autism's low occurrence rate in afab people or something I don't know this was in like 2002") After a really scary time, I finally got on medication, and I was really lucky in that I tripped face-first into a medication that worked for me (Zoloft). We've done the whole "Try being off after being on for six months and see if your symptoms are better/your brain chemistry doesn't suck" rigamarole, and it did not work. I was put back on it at a higher dosage and I am much better!! Like... I can think! I can work! I'm in line for a promotion at my job that I really want because I have hella student loan debts and I need to get some form of transportation!!

    And then I moved and the state-provided insurance I've been using to do all these good things FREAKED OUT and I've been getting RX refills from my old clinic while I try to get it fixed but the old clinic can't do it anymore because the state cancelled my insurance and I have to go in to see their psychiatrist again to check in and my old psychiatrist LEFT and their new one is like, specifically for gender stuff, and I have gender stuff but that's not what I need treated, I need the PTSD and all that other shit treated because the gender stuff I have a plan for so I can deal, but the PTSD I don't!! And I don't have $400+++ to go see the psychiatrist, and I'm scared of turning back into PTSD depressionzombie me who can't do shit for anything but soul-shattering panic, because I'm so close to getting this promotion and I can make phone calls and I can clean and cook and do all this cool real-people stuff and I was gonna start going to school again for another degree and basically, it's like, I'm already splitting pills just so I can stay on it, and I feel like I can tell that this cool, adult version of me is slipping away and I can't sleep becuase I'm scared.

    I know of one place I could go, but it has a mandatory 24-hr hold policy where basically they sit you down and make you talk to their psychiatrist, which wouldn't be bad, but you then have to stay there for 24 hours and all you can do is stare at a wall/the tv and sit in a chair and if you leave the chair for purposes other than going to the bathroom you get shouted at, unless you have to smoke, but you can't go outside if you don't smoke, and I can't do being stuck with so many people in one room for 24hrs?? I can't do that. No amount of sertraline will make that okay.

    So I guess the question is, does anyone know a legal/semi-legal/possible way to get zoloft/sertraline refills? Or well, any medication really, why is Zoloft even controlled I'd really like to know but mostly like, would calling my county dept of mental health services be a good start? Can GPs/urgent care facilities help? If I can't get a refill, do you have any tips for at least not horribly sabotaging my entire life until I can get back on?

    Please help. I'm really freaking out and there's no where else to go.
  2. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    I've had really good luck with general practitioners being willing to refill medication you've previously been prescribed by a psychiatrist, and even just prescribe common stuff like zoloft. Like, our regular doctor will just do it. When I needed to mess with meds a bunch, he wasn't willing to do the experimenting, because he wants a proper psychiatrist doing that, but if I call in and say "hey, I'm on XZY, 75mg, it's a pain getting refills from the psychiatrist's office, can you issue a prescription", they can do that with no hassle.
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  3. shibrogane

    shibrogane New Member

    Thanks so much 8) I called around and found a clinic that was willing to scale down their appt cost since I'm off insurance temporarily, and the doctor there gave me a refill. For some reason they can only do it once, but thirty days is enough to maybe get things fixed with the state insurance guys, so... Thanks :)
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