Fidget Cubes (Fidgeting... In Cube Form!!)

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Secret Squirrel, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    A thread for talking about fidget cubes/fidget cube related topics.

    Do you have one? Do you want one? Talk about it here! :3
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  2. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    i ordered one through the kickstarter! it hasnt gotten here yet but im so exciteddd
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  3. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I ordered one and I await it excitedly.
  4. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I want to order one! My fidgeting is either The Dreaded Leg Bounce or the Annoying Finger Tapping or doodling, which just makes my notes ugly and unreadable and i usually end up focusing on the doodles and not the thing i should be paying attention to. The Antsy Lab's cube is the official kickstarter one, right? Any idea when they'll be shipped? Do they ship international, for that matter?
  5. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I want one. They look fun to fuck with. I need some sort of fisgeting toy in general really.
  6. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    Man, I want one, but the class I Really Need To Fidget In is the one class where it wouldn't be allowed, at all, under any circumstances :/
  7. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    yes, that's them, but right now they're probably focusing on shipping out the ones for their kickstarter backers. like me - they claimed they would be able to send the first chunk of cubes by december, but that's been pushed up to now. they claimed in their last email that they'd have all the "december"-level cubes shipped by the end of this week. i fuckin hope so cause i really need one and i'm jealous of people who've gotten theirs already lmao

    no idea about international
  8. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    i have a friend got her official fidget cube a few weeks ago, so i hope the rest will come soon?
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  9. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    i hope so too! my fidgety ass is actually slowly destroying my phone case rn since it's falling apart and there's lots to fiddle with

    hopefully i will be getting a new phone soon so i can put this one and its case to rest
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  10. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    this is actually the third phone case ive destroyed...
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  11. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    :u relatable. this phone case has actually lasted quite a while (4 yrs) but it's been a LONG time since it was actually intact

    like it's an otterbox case on an iphone. so originally there were like 3 flappy bits that protect the two ports/jacks and one switch. those flappy bits were the first to go lmao
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  12. Carrickfergus

    Carrickfergus abstractor of the quintessence

    My wife gave me one of these this past weekend! It's... really really neat, though I'm still feeling like I'm in the free trial period and haven't QUITE bonded with it yet, and there's one major reason:

    It's not a completely silent object. The switch clicky noise is REALLY loud. The 5 little buttons also click but pretty quietly. And the spinny wheels click when spun. Even if you're not playing with anything that clicks, it makes a soft plasticy noise just being handled, because of the moving parts sliding around very, very slightly in their settings.

    Basically, you can't use this thing in super quiet places like class or church. BUT elsewhere? It's really great. I'm trying to make it replace my other stims that have been getting out of control and destructive lately.

    It doesn't hurt your hands. I feel that's an important detail. It's all rounded edges and stuff.
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  13. I ordered one last week, so it's gonna be forever before I get it, but I'm gonna get it. Should be nice. I need to do stuff with my hands a lot.
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  14. Choco

    Choco Duke of the Weepy Marshmallow Brigade

    im so flip-flopping excited to get my fidget cube you guys. you could even say that im antsy about it *badum tish*
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  15. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    I got one and I'm annoying people with its clicking
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  16. devian

    devian Well-Known Member

    I have two and I am in love with the switch side in particular; it makes the most delightful and satisfying clicky noises.

    If you want more details on when stuff is shipping, stalking the Kickstarter comments section works the best, but it is also a huge trashfire *sigh*

    Huh, on mine the two intentionally-silent buttons and the spinny wheels don't click much at all? I haven't tried using mine in a super quiet environment like church or anything, though, so it might be more noticeable in such places.

    For the most part I find them fairly quiet as long as you don't use the switch or the three clicky buttons.
  17. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    The switch is actually really loud. As is the clicky marble and the d-pad thing
  18. devian

    devian Well-Known Member

    ......I literally did not realize until this moment that you could click the marble, I thought it just spun

    excuse me while I go click the marble constantly for ten minutes
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  19. Xavius

    Xavius Suit Monkey

    I keep looking at fidget cubes and thinking they'd be a good investment for my squirmy behind, but whenever I tell myself I'm going to actually spend the money to get one this time, I think of how frequently I have to trade objects I'm interested in out. I'm surprised that chronic fidgeters like myself can overcome the boundary of needing to keep switching it up with objects - or is that just something endemic to my particular variety of fidgeting? I mean to ask is this thing really THAT versatile, or do most people not swap constantly?
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2017
  20. Aqua Vitae

    Aqua Vitae put some honey and sea water by your bed.

    Very excited about the marble being clickable.
    • Like x 1
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