For the sake of thoroughness

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by EulersBidentity, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1 I don't forget things. If any of this comes in handy.

    I took the NHS depression test and got a "very likely suffering from some form of depression". Well, maybe. Maybe SAD. Maybe I just don't like university. In any case, I filled in the online form to register for the uni counselling service. Last time I contacted them it took 14 weeks for them to get back to me, so we'll see where that goes! (They apologised for taking so long and asked if I still wanted a session. I said no.)

    Some stuff I should note from the last couple of weeks:
    • I've been awake until ~2am nightly...but I fall asleep easily once I'm in bed with the light off. I just take a long time to get there.
    • I've been feeling badly about my appearance, but mostly wrt how I look in photos. I haven't worried about my weight much at all.
    • I've been more irritable than usual.
    • I've found it really hard to concentrate. This isn't new, but it's suddenly more pronounced. During my Italian class yesterday I didn't understand a word the teacher said because I kept switching off. I've not completed any assignments for a while. I crapped all over the piece we sang in rehearsal on Wednesday afternoon but tbf it was Schoenberg and hard. Still, I got pretty agitated about it. If I'd been 14 I would've cried.
    • I haven't exercised much this week. I stopped going to the gym because they were refurbishing. I started a running plan which has been fun but I haven't done any since last Friday.
    • My appetite is fine. I'm maybe eating a bit more than usual.
    • I've done less singing practice than I should, considering. I kind of cba. I have a singing lesson tonight which usually cheers me up.
    • I've been finding it hard to concentrate while cycling and having some intrusive thoughts about the bike breaking while I'm riding it. I can't tell if a wheel is loose, in which case I should take it to the shop, or if that's just in my head. I'm also feeling like it's harder to balance, but my cycling muscle memory is 12+ years old and I'm not going to fall off.
    • I have no suicidal ideation.
    • I should be concerned about my studies, since I'm in final year and it's important. But I don't feel anything about them right now. The absence of anxiety. I've missed some lectures this week and I'm not really engaged with any of my modules.
  2. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    I feel like I'm absolutely phoning my studies in right now. I can't remember if I felt this way last year and the year before that. But it's like I'm barely even aware that I'm taking classes. I'm in a lecture right now, lol. This is my worst one because I don't understand any of it and I don't care. But even so. Maybe I did too good a job of picking unsubstantial modules this year? Or maybe I'm on a fast-track to failing my degree because I have no investment in the subject? Well that hasn't happened yet. I can probably pull this back. I did well in my programming tests. But they're not about maths, really.

    I got a lot more sleep last night which is good.

    I worry that when my degree is done and I no longer have to do maths or be a failure I'm going to stop doing maths forever. It used to be such an important thing to me. I don't want that to have left me. I don't think it will. I still like talking about maths when there's no pressure on me.

    Numerical analysis has the most potential to be interesting to me and I need to talk to the careers advisors about how I pursue it. Stats was fun, 'Complex Networks' is tedious in lectures but interesting in notes, 'Numerical/Computational methods' is fine and fairly satistfying.

    I'm not doing enough practice. I just don't feel like it. I have an audition Saturday though so I should probably put in some work. And another one next Thursday, agh fuck.
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