2. Posts must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one numeral, and one special character (punctuation counts).
5. You betta be shore to include at least one fish pun in scrodd-numbered posts. (Puns may be re-used.)
6. Posts with a number containing the digit "7" must include at least one embedded picture of a Canadian celebrity. Spoiler Await the "Posts 70-79 Canada Rave" and thank me later.
1a. Additions or alterations to rules are exempt from this rule. (Keep in mind that the following post will be odd-numbered, even if it describes an even-numbered rule.) (This is not fair to mobile users -- maybe someone should make a rule about it)
8. "Post number" henceforth refers to the number of the rule being added, not the acshoal number of the post as counted by the forums.
9. All posts must hereby include a factshoal statement unrelated to the rule addition or any other content of the post. Iron is solid at room temperature.