
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by raginghearts, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    Thread is pretty much what it sounds like! Post your gemsona, tell us all about them and their design and all that fun stuff!!
    Bonus: Show us any fusions you've done!
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  2. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member


    This is my gemsona, Zincite!
    So we all know that technically the Gems are an agender/nonbinary race that use female pronouns to refer to each other.
    Therefore, for the longest time Zincite here identified as a female because Zincite didn't even realize that there WAS another option. That changed, however, when Zincite came across some transgender humans--this opened Zincite's eyes to the possibility of being NOT female (even if technically the gems never WERE female).

    So then Zincite decided to be a he, formed a physical manifestation that was more masculine than normal, and decided he really liked earth and its humans. And so he joined Rose Quartz's army. In one fateful battle, he got massively wounded, which forced him to retreat into his gem... where he then hid for far longer than was actually necessary, too scared to come back out of hiding until centuries later. When he finally re-emerged, it was to find the battle over, broken gems strewn everywhere. Hit with a massive wave of guilt over his cowardice, and convinced that if there were any remaining Crystal Gems that they'd be furious with him, he resorted to hiding out in his own makeshift home near Beach City.

    Random tidbits:
    --Height: 5'9"
    --Weight: ~210 ish
    --His weapon is a greatsword; the sword shown is to scale to Zincite. It really is that big :'D TWO HANDED HUGE SWORD FTW.
    --He really loves shapeshifting, but only into animals and stuff. For some reason, shapeshifting into other humans kind of unnerves him.
    --Fusion also kind of freaks him out, and he only does it under the most dire of circumstances.
    --He has minor control over fire; he can't CREATE fire, or make more of it, but he can control where it goes, to an extent. Also fire serves as a sort of regenerating agent for him.
    --He tends to be a bit of a scaredy cat, but he can and WILL put his life on the line to defend something he feels needs defending. This includes his friends, helpless things, etc.
    --Has a bit of survivor's guilt, among other issues.
    --hUGE NERD

    (fusion with Diorite)

    (fusion with Apatite)

    (fusion with Sunstone--no link available)
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  3. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

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  4. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    @Void awww, what a cutie! Pardon me while I go through and like all of your posts >w>
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  5. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    they are garbage and shovel anything that may be considered edible, and many things considered inedible, into their maw. it's great.
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  6. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    Silver Gale (my long-running City of Heroes RP character) and her girlfriend are Azurite and Fluorite respectively, but they pretty much always go around as Chalcedony.
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  7. Carcosa

    Carcosa Member

    Here's my Variscite and Erythrite. I have unfinished designs for a Carborundum, Euclase, and Rhinestone, as well. Unfortunately, none of them are particularly developed character-wise.
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  8. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    not me 'cause i'm not sure what my own gemsona would be but this is my norm the genie su au gemsona (he's apatite, the blue kind)


    i'm not sure what Gem i'd be, though i'm thinking a purple one maybe, since purple is my fave colour.
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  9. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Well, I don't have any art, but my Gemsona is Celestine, and her weapon is pretty magical girl grenades. Cause celestine is the main source of strontium, an important ingredient in fireworks, apparently!
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  10. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I was going to make an alexandrite gemsona because Pearl an Alexandrite are the birthstones for june but then fusion cuisine happened.

    Then I couldn't decide if I wanted to make another waif like Pearl or have my gemsona actually look like me. So I made a Tiger's Eye gemsona that looks like me and a Pearlsona that's more based on my idealized aesthetic. Which is sort of fitting, since Pearls are basically designed and made to order based on their aesthetic. Pearlsona probably wouldn't have a weapon because ...Pearls. I havn't figured out what weapon to give Tiger's eye though. I'm thinking an ingeom (tiger sword).

    I would post pics but all I have is a laptop with a trackpad and I could maybe draw a stick figure :'(
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  11. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    I think Pearls get weapons, but like, cute ones. Fans or ribbons or wands. That's my guess at least.
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  12. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I was being mopey about not being able to imagine a self-insertish OC as being anything more interesting than a common gray pebble, but an anon suggested Geode, and I'm like, hell yes. Now I have to think of how to implement it and how to make it as awesomely body horrorish as possible.
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  13. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I don't have one for me, but I was drawing them for my friends while I was at school:





    ... In retrospect, I should have had more fun with nonhuman skin tones! Note for the future.
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  14. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    I've mentioned this elsewhere, but I may as well mention it here again:

    I'm taking Mineralogy at school this semester, and one of the projects for class is that we are given an unidentified mineral sample and have to try to ID it.
    So I'm using whatever I have as my gemsona.

    XRD analysis says Diopside, but I'm gonna try to confirm with optical analysis stuff before I go with that for sure.
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  15. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    I really like tanzanite, but I've been having a heck of a time coming up with a gemsona.

    Pretty angular, tallish and slender (willowy), maybe... is techie but in a fancy way, like they can do the nitty-gritty stuff but they really prefer elegant high-brow installations. Secretly quite likes art (I headcanon that Homeworld is somewhat culturally dead or at least stagnant? haven't fleshed it out much...), probably along the lines of Aeolian harps - if she can get away with it she'll build technological installations that happen to make music, and then shrug and blame it on the perfection of the architecture. XD

    Not sure on gem placement...
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  16. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    I can't draw, but mine is Red Hematite, and I've mostly been using her as a way to work out HOW DO I PERSON issues.
    She is very small and very confused by things like gender and relationships and affection and food.
    She has also gotten poofed at least twice, going from 'exceedingly bitty child with fluffy rapunzel hair who is basically a walking sweater pile', to 'bitty shy nerd in an extremely frilly dress, still has fluffy rapunzel hair but now IT'S BRAIDED AND HAS BANGS', to 'grumpy bitty nerd in yoga pants or skinny jeans and a massive sweatshirt, NOW WITH SHORT HAIR, AND STUCK ON AN ALIEN PLANET.' Which is basically middle school Em, high school Em (well, other than the bangs, but I has to get those in), college Em. But as a alien rock. And she's got the same body type as me without a binder, because disproportionate alien rock boobs do not cause dysphoria, unlike human boobs.
    And her weapon is a frilly parasol, no matter how she's dressing at that time. Because fuck yes, frilly parasols. And her gem is on the side of her neck, cause I've got a beauty mark there.
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  17. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I like Turquoise, but it's a very popular stone and probably way overdone. So I was hunting through big mineral listings in search of something slightly more obscure. Imagine my delight when I discovered faustite; a turquoise variant with a ton more zinc than copper in it, which makes it green.


    They both make those lovely, lumpy stones with spiderweb veins of other materials between them, especially once they're polished down.

    So for my gemsona, I'm making her green and yellow/brownish, as curved and lumpy as me, in a leotard to show it off. Short dark green hair pulled back behind a light brown headband to imitate the veins, gem in the front of her neck for turquoise/taurus association. Turquoise is somewhat associated with protection and calming and communication, so I figure she's designed for capture and subduction; her weapon is a wire net / shawl that she can wrap enemies in to poof them, or wrap around herself as a cocoon to shield herself from most attacks. The faust part of the name (unrelated) makes me think of info-gathering and exchanges... I think she also does first contact stuff, checking on new planets to see if any of the organic lifeforms could be inconveniences or risks to gem plans there.

    Rough draft:


    I was dissatisfied with how this design shows the spider-webbing, so I decided to redesign a tiny bit. The running theme is now ovals and crescents:

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
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  18. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    Mine is Carnelian! Will be drawing her eventually, her weapons are claw gauntlets :3
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  19. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Mine is Tektite!

    She's a technician gem along the lines of Peridot, specifically specializing in various forms of communication (primarily textual, I think). And she is So Fucking Autistic and sometimes shuts down a bit and can only communicate through her screens and gadgets. She's considered defective due to her tendency to shut down when overstimulated, but she's total shit at picking up nuance and taking hints so she hasn't picked up on the fact that her superiors think that. :( But she's super good at her job and VERY enthusiastic about it, and so long as you let her do her work, she's happy. c:

    Also her weapon is a ray gun because why the fuck not.
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  20. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

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