Got opinions abt music? Want to help a girl out with her research?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by blue, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Hello friends!

    I'm doing research for school involving recommender systems, aka the kind of thing Amazon uses to recommend other things you might want to buy, or Netflix to recommend movies you might like. Whatever I build is gonna be on a much smaller scale than that, but I need some data to run it on, and so if you would like to list and rate some bands (at least three, but if you want to do up to fifteen I would welcome it) on a 1-5 scale I would be very grateful. And email address is optional, but if you include it I will send you an email with recommendations when I get the thing up and running!

    Here's the link!
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