I mistakenly first typed that as GAY GUYS. Freudian slip? Uhhhh, anyway. Hello, it is nice to meet y'all. I am Lee. My tumblr is leegle, and I've been following seebs for a while and saw mention of this site so I sent in an ask about it and was directed to the sidebar and felt really embarrassed for missing that for like three seconds. In my defense, however, I usually browse the site on mobile and the mobile layout doesn't have links... ;^; Anyway, I'm gonna go lurk around the forums and read threads and stuff. From what I've seen, this definitely seems like my kind of place, and I'm excited to be a member. Nice to meet y'all! UPD8; I have one question. What does 'witness' mean in the context of this site? I've never seen it used before.
From an explanation I gave to someone else a while back: It's a phrase it think @Mercury brought in from another forum, with a bit of Fury Road in there too. Like... I see and acknowledge what you've said. A way of communicating that you've seen something and that you care, and that the person you're witnessing isn't just screaming into the void, even if you don't really have anything else you can or know how to say. If that makes sense? Also, welcome!
Hello there! Is there any backstory to the name Leegle? Because between "leegle" and "electric beagle-loo" you are now "legal beagle" in my mind.
Oh my god. Well, uh, I should disclose now that I'm a BIG OL FURRY, and my fursona is just a beagle, and I'll attach a picture now because he's adorable as hell. Spoiler: Dogetastic Anyway... My name is Lee, and since I'm a PUN-LOVING NERD, I combined 'Lee' with 'beagle' and that's how I got 'Leegle'. My old fursona was a lizard. Guess what he was called!
Exactly right! Pat yourself on the back for me, because it would be weird if I jumped through the computer to do it!