Hello or something!

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by smallgayghoul, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. smallgayghoul

    smallgayghoul Certified Furry Trash

    Hi! I'm Rohan!

    To be honest I've been thinking about joining this forum for awhile, because honestly all the people I follow/have followed on Tumblr who talk about it are... kind of some of the only people on Tumblr I agree with and don't find at least a little bit toxic when they talk about social justice issues/etc. But I'm also crazy shy so that kept me away for awhile before I decided: why not??

    I'm a trans brainweird mess with way too many hobbies and a seeming inability to focus on a single one of them for more than 10 minutes at a time. I'm also really bad at introductions, but I'm gonna try my best here. I'm studying linguistics and right now I'm really into 3D modelling (specifically making game assets). I enjoy building computers way too much and am super excited about technology in general.

    I'm a loser who likes anime but also an old man who likes old anime best. I drift in and out of fandoms and have a lot of Bad Ships. Most recently I guess I'm into Tokyo Ghoul and Jojo but I'm not really active in either of them anymore. I had an unhealthy obsession with Slayers for at least 5 years and if you let me I will happily info-dump (and if you like Slayers we are already friends).

    Also I have like 20 Tumblr blogs (probably not an exaggeration) but don't really feel safe talking about serious things on any of them but I think that won't be a problem here, which makes me happy.

    I have no idea if any of this seems to flow or make any sense, but I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!!
    • Like x 2
  2. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+


    nice to meet you. i'm amazed by the number of tumblr blogs you have.
  3. smallgayghoul

    smallgayghoul Certified Furry Trash

    Hello! ♥

    To be perfectly honest a lot of them are abandoned and even the ones that aren't only get updated when I remember they exist. So it's not such an impressive number when you consider I only constantly update 2-3 of them at any given time lol
    • Like x 1
  4. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    it's still an impressive number. i don't think i could even think of starting that many blogs.
  5. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Welcome, fellow linguistics student! We've got a languages thread and a conlang thread you might want to check out.
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