ok so a while back i was recommended this website because it had a community for venting and stuff and i guess i just kinda decided to make an account?? about me my name is Kami, i draw a lot and really like opossums. My url on tumblr is Elfangorisprettyrad where im more active, i have a lot of interests but its hard to list them right now cause im kinda spacy lol. I am fifteen, frommnorway and my vent threads will probably mostly deal with abuse, trauma and the weird mental junk that happens afterwards, as for everything else ill probably just be chatting/maybe posting art idk really, when im not spacing out or panicking i usually am really happy and chatty and i honestly love meeting people so uhh yea ahah hello!
Hi there! It's cool to see another person from a Nordic country on the forum. :) (I'm in Finland, although I'm not Finnish.)
shello!!! i hope you're having a nice day aaa... heres the Cuttle everyone here gets from me, it thinks youre super cute!