
Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Tropylium, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Tropylium

    Tropylium New Member

    Hi forum, Yet Another Spergnerd joining the ranks here. I'm an aspiring linguist* from Finland, aged 30. Non-professional interests include synth music, math, math toys like fractals and cellular automata, webcomics (including Homestuck, yes), origami. Although these days I seem to spend most of my time on either research or idle online browsing (tumblr included).

    Issues in my life, rough outline: social and executive functioning, occasional genderfeels.

    …I am currently late for someplace so elaboration on these will be left for later.

    *If things go well I will have the official status of a Master's student starting late this spring, but I already have a lengthy research plan, a bunch of articles in the works, and some reputation among people with the same specific research interests.
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  2. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    *linguist high five*
  3. Tropylium

    Tropylium New Member

    A ˥ to you too!
    • Like x 1
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