Help fix my bones? (Bad posture + exdys = pain)

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by evilas, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    So I have preeety much the worst sitting posture of all time (feet on desk, all my weight on my tailbone, back curved up). I'm flat-footed (left foot far more than my right), weigh 110 kg due to depression-related weightgain, don't wear my orthopedic shoe soles inside the house for comfort reasons, and when I use my phone or computer in bed I adopt the "lying facedown, neck arching up against a pillow" position. I rarely take breaks from computerstuff, which I am doing roughly 80% of my free time. neck, shoulders, back, butt, and legs hurt quite a bit. there any small things I can do every so often that can help me improve my posture? I'm thinking "taking breaks from computer every half hour or so and stretching", but is there anything else?
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
  2. Artemis

    Artemis i, an asexual moron

    (I feel compelled to add the disclaimer that I am not, by any remote possible definition, someone who knows what they are talking about from any kind of training or w/e.)

    Sticking to small things, as much as I can 100% understand not wearing shoes or anything on feet for comfort reasons (I hate wearing socks and shoes period and would be barefoot at work if it was permitted, hazards be damned) I know my mother has said that getting in the habit of wearing her orthopedics always, even around the house, has helped tremendously with her feet problems, and I assume by the same logic if you have them it would do something to ease leg/back pain? If all you have are like, shoes-shoes for orthopedics, would it be possible to get a pair of orthopedic sandals for housewear (since they can be easily slipped on and off between rooms)?

    Also, do you have a good computer chair at your desk? Even if you sit in it wonky, I would presume having one that's ergonomic would help force you to be slightly more friendly-positioned, or at the very least can guarantee you have a decently cushioned seat instead of sitting on a hard stool or something (I sat on a hard wooden chair for a couple weeks, I do not recommend it).
  3. Vierran

    Vierran small and sharp

    [Obligatory disclaimer: while I study physical therapy, I am not a licensed PT, and any advice I give you may not be appropriate since I can't actually do an examination over the internet.)

    Changing position periodically while on the computer will help. As far as stretching, is there anywhere you feel is tight? I'm going to guess pec major/minor, just because they often are. Doorway stretch is good for that: rest insides of forearms on door frame, lean through, feel stretch in front of chest.

    Chin tucks are something simple that may help with neck: while keeping your neck as long and straight as you can, tilt your head down/in, like you're trying to give yourself a double chin. Hold for five seconds, release, repeat about ten times. Do as often as you remember.

    Core stabilization would also be something I'd recommend, but I'm not sure how to teach that without actually demonstrating things.

    In general, there's only so much relief you're going to get if you keep doing the things that are causing the pain, but it should be possible to make it better without expending too many spoons.
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  4. An Actual Bird

    An Actual Bird neverthelass, Brid persisted, ate third baggel

    Same hat! I have horrible horrible posture and am too lazy to fix it, but stretching helps a lot. For lower back, this stretch is a godsend (IMO). Do it one side, hold for ~20 seconds, switch sides and repeat.
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  5. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    Drink a lot of tea. The fuss of it will get you up and moving around reasonably frequently, and a lot of things hurt less when you're adequately hydrated

    . . . I mean, like, because of my family I am inclined to recommend tea as a solution for everything, but I am also a big proponent of hydration. Also depending on how slumped you generally are and how your desk is laid out, drinking tea might also help improve your posture just so you can reach it.

    On that note, I need to go was the infuser so I can start my second pot of the day.
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  6. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    I have this huge vaguely U-shaped cushion thing that I put up behind me with a pillow in between my back and the wall, and then my laptop goes on my legs, so I pretty much can't slide down without the screen getting to an awkward angle and the easiest pose is straight-backed leaning slightly on the cushion.

    The laptop on legs thing is also good because if I slide down and correct the laptop screen that means that the laptop base shifted and probably isn't elevated off the bed (I keep at least one leg slightly bent to rest the back of the laptop on and switch legs every so often-needed to keep the laptop from going into an awkward angle and also to elevate the base). Also that means that the keyboard angle becomes bad, too. So combined with the cushion that means that not sitting up straight is a pain.

    Pillow is just there so that no amount of leaning back puts my back straight against the wall, because that would force me to slump under the windowsill. But because of pillow, it takes effort to lean back far enough to even feel the windowsill at all.
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  7. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    Wow I suck at checking messages that aren't notifications. A full month D:

    I have recently discovered that my bed had a moderately-sized bulge that I hadn't noticed for months, fixing that that has improved things a bit.
    Also my chair broke a couple of weeks ago, which means I have had to sit on my bed to use the computer. This ultimately meant no "ultimate backcrunch position" which I would like to think has had positive results. And now, for the month-late replies.

    I have like, the inner sole things? I do need to get new ones, maybe I'll buy an extra pair and put them in my Crocs. Yes I use Crocs instead of sandals. My toes feel weird otherwise.

    It was really good... Just not designed for having all your weight pressing down from one point instead of your whole butt.

    It's mostly my lower back, actually. As for my neck, I'll definitely try it!

    I should really see like, a doctor or something, shouldn't I?

    That looks good, I'll definitely try it out!

    Pffff, ok Chiomi, I swear I will visit you someday and ask you to get me to like tea.
    (I do drink a lot of Diet Coke, but I usually like to have the bottle in my room. If I don't, I just get thirsty and put it off)

    I don't have a laptop, but that sounds interesting to say the least.

    So yeah. If anyone has any other tips that would be cool!
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
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  8. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    I can find tea for anyone to like. I will find something you will love.
    • Like x 3
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