I live in Argentina. It's hard to figure out how and where and when to go to conventions. And even if they were available, I'd always feel very out of place. I'm worried I might not fit in or enjoy it or I don't know what's gonna happen and I'm terrified. Everyone's always talking about how much fun they had in the latest XYZcon, and I'm really jealous and want to live that with them. I want to make friends and meet people and stuff. I need help. I need help figuring out what, when, where, how, what to do, literally every step, and then I need help getting the courage to go there. And what to do if I don't have fun in it or if I do and I just don't know. Can someone help please?
Sorry, that's... really not helpful. I was looking more for like... I don't even know. Like. I'm not even planning on cosplaying because it's too intimidating. Like... Hotels? What? Where am I going? I'm not gonna go to a different city if that's what you mean. I was thinking "wait for some small Buenos Aires convention that I can go to" Is that... wrong? And like, I'm not even sure I belong in anime or convention groups because I'm worried I don't really... watch enough anime? Like I don't draw fanart or cosplay or anything. I'm just... so unprepared for everything. I'm really sorry :(
Check online locally for literally anything that sounds like it might interest you. Get a ticket. Drift in. Look at stuff. Maybe take pictures. If you see someone's costume that you like, ask for a picture, people worked hard on their stuff and are really excited at pictures. Look at the artist area if there is one. Look at the dealers room if there is one, but it's expensive. If they do panels, drift in to any that seem interesting. If you get overwhelmed go to a quieter spot for a while. If you play games, there's sometimes game sections, see if you can get involved. If you didn't have fun, try a different event another time, not every year is great, there's fluxes and problems potentially. I'm not really sure what you're asking here as far as preparedness or anything.. There's no gold card for being Enough Of A Fan To Do Thing. There's no skill requirement or anything else aside from "do you have a ticket to get in? ok? alright, welcome in." It's just a gathering place for people to sell stuff, buy stuff, chitchat, maybe show things or play things and wander around. You're not gonna be graded on attending performance or anything, dude, I promise. Nobody's gonna walk up to you demanding you explain what you like and how much and allow or deny you access. It's just.. a thing. Like a local fair or something, or a bbq, but instead of food everyone's focused on anime and games and stuff. When you find people with similar interests who are browsing things you like you can chitchat. Maybe make friends.
Okay. *deep breath* That's... that makes sense. Okay. I would like some help finding stuff online, if anyone can help.
Here's a Facebook group about anime and comic cons in Buenos Aires Here is another site for when various comic cons are, and I found a page for Buenos Aires (though it seems to list just everything in Argentina) It would also be worth seeing if there are any gaming conventions in your area. The only one I could find with a quick Google search hasn't updated their site since 2015, though, so... sorry about that. I could probably find more if I was actually searching in Spanish like a proper person, but I have to leave soon. I can help look for more things for you later if you'd like, though? If you have any friends you can convince to tag along with you, that would really be a big help. I mean, I know that a lot of people go alone? But I always feel really self-conscious and a bit anxious when I go to a thing alone. Like fuck, I never went to parties at university because of a combination of not being about that scene and being too anxious to go alone anyways. If you go to an anime or comic con, just pop in to a few random panels and/or games if they have them. Not very big in the anime/comic scene but interested in stuff? That's what panels are for! Some are for the hardcore fans and some are for people who, like you, are on the edges. I've been to several anime cons and I'm by far the least knowledgeable about any of this among my friends. Like... I read manga at the library and watch whatever my friends make me watch with them or stuff from like, 5+ years ago mostly. But panels are a good way to get introduced to stuff and you can meet some people with similar interests there. If you go to a gaming convention, it's really easy to talk to people I found out? Like, I've been to several anime/comic/pop culture cons and they were fun and all but I didn't really make many new friends or anything, but gaming conventions? Since it's all about playing together, they're a great way to get to meet people. The people running the game demos at Gen Con were friendly, helpful, and not at all intimidating to interact with. And if you're on your own? Well, just ask some people if you can join in on their game demo with them. Or lurk awkwardly just outside the group and listen to the spiel until someone asks if you'd like to join. The social nature of games makes being an awkward outsider a bit less awkward because there's always room for one more or oh no this game requires more people than our group has, join us stranger! Also, it's worth talking to people in the artists' alley and other such areas. I chatted with a lot of people in the artists' alley and the authors' section at Gen Con. They're pretty friendly. You just have to listen to their sales pitches and then they're pretty willing to chat. I mean, they're kinda stuck at their booths most of the weekend instead of getting to go around and explore the con... Anyways, gotta head to an appointment now. Let me know if any of that was helpful?
Aside from above^ First thing that popped up for me with googling "anime convention Buenos Aires" was http://animecons.com/events/info.shtml/7338/Anime_Friends_Argentina_2016 which specifically goes to their site here [http://www.animefriendsarg.com.ar/] but it's passed already. It might happen again next year, though, so that might help.
@lobo and @TheMockingCrows yeah, thanks. That was really helpful. I'm gonna try to work up the courage to go there. ... ...hopefully :/
Update: I have not Done The Thing and I still want to Do The Thing. I'm gonna add it as a Habitica to-do.