And I finally got off my ass and did it! (Or, well... I'm in a computer chair, so I technically did not get off my ass. but. (hehe butt) (oh no this parenthetical is getting out of hand) anyway, I joined the forum.) I don't have much to say other than hi, really. There's a lot to read through here, so I might be mostly lurking for a while. I'm 25, just graduated with an extremely hard-won degree in computer science, and spend most of my time thinking about how I should really be applying for jobs. Sometimes I actually do apply for a job, and then I retire to my fainting couch to recover from the stress. When I'm not doing any of those things, I like to play computer games and read fanfiction. When I feel like getting really crazy, I take my dog to the dog park. That's like a big event, for me.
Dog parks are indeed wonderful places, if slightly pee-smelling. I especially like it because Dusky is only two and is therefore very high-energy, which I am not. At all. So we can go to the dog park and she can run around and all I have to do is stand there and occasionally pet other dogs that come up to me. it's great. and thank you for the congratulations! It was not easy. Although that wasn't really the computer science part so much as the college part. I think any other major would have been just as hard. I need things to be structured and predictable and college is not that, you have classes at random times of the day which changes every three months anyway, and you have an entirely new group of people to learn along with the new schedule, and you have to figure out when to do homework which is impossible to plan because you have no idea how long it's going to take, and ugh. It was just a constant struggle to get to class on time and turn things in on time and eat on time and sleep on time, and I guess actually learn something somewhere in there, somehow. I developed severe anxiety and depression because everything sucked so much and I couldn't make it better, it felt like it was never going to end. (and it did take me three extra years.) And now you've heard the rant that probably everyone in my life has heard about how college is the worst and I hated it more than I've ever hated anything, including team sports, lol. BUT I MADE IT, somehow, and now I can (maybe, eventually) get a job that happens at the same time every day and pays me money instead of taking it and never requires me to do homework ever again, for the rest of my life ever.
Chiming in with the congratulations--I've dropped out of college twice now and while I'd love to eventually graduate, I'd rather not revisit the anxiety attacks I kept getting last time. So I have mad amounts of respect for people who can finish it. Also, I think I speak for all of us when I ask if you have any pics of your dog.
I would LOVE to show off my bestest puppydog, but uh. How do upload pics?? am n00b. (also I in turn have mad respect for you going back after dropping out the first time. I think if I'd ever lost the little momentum I had there's no way I would've been able to start up again.)
alternativley, you can put them on some website (i use picasa, I know ruevian uses imgur) and then click the little landscape thing (the box with mountains and a sun) the thing is you have to copy an image url and shit. this is confusing, I'll make a picture guide in a bit, maybe sunday or maonday :/
Hey look I've made a thing. THings not included in tutorial, getting a picasa account saving pictures to your computer I didnt think I needed to do those, tell me if I do. {:l Spoiler: Many, many screenshots bonus, spoiler tags and thats it! :) its a bit longwinded, sorry about that.