Heya people~

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Verzi, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Verzi

    Verzi Member

    I figured I should make an intro thread, because I couldn't think of a valid reason NOT to. :P

    So yeah, I am Verzisphere on tumblr and pretty much every else, and i guess what brought me here (and seebs blog in general, amongst all the other wise thinks) is lots of gender stuff, because at 25 i am still trying to work out what this whole gender thing is and how it works. But for the time being, I am, for all intents and purposes, a male-type person for the sake of consistency, and the pronouns don't really matter! (though she-prounouns make me feel nice and fluffy inside)

    Besides that, not quite sure what else to say but HEY THERE! :D
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  2. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    Whooooo! Gender things!!!!
    (Luckily there's an app forum for that)
  3. Lycoris

    Lycoris Ghost Child

    Hello! G'day to you.
    : )
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