I'm another lurker, my name is Rue. I've been following some of the notables here on tumblr for awhile, and there didn't seem to be any reason NOT to make an account at this point. I'm also Ruevian on tumblr (and around other parts on the internet) because I am nothing if not predictable with usernames. I'm 31 and married. I'm a caretaker for my disabled husband. I'm into Homestuck (the whole reason I even got a tumblr) and anime, I really love horror, I'm a massive shipper, I draw and make vague noises about crafts. Did you know getting supplies for crafty things is fucking expensive? And yet I persist. I'm also into mythology and alchemy and fairytales. I hope to be less lurker and more friend to everyone here, because from what I can see, this is where cool dudes congregate. Thanks! Edit: Oh, and I guess in the spirit of the forum, my only brain fuckery is some fairly debilitating anxiety and depression that I'm on medication for.
Nice to meet you! If you ever want to talk/make a thread to talk about horror/fairytales/mythology, I'd be up for that!
Thank you, nice to meet you too! I probably will make a horror thread at some point, if only because I'm always on the lookout for new creepy things to give me nightmares. Seriously, I want the heebies.
@Wiwaxia Hello! We can mumble in the shadows and various bushes, because I'm not sure how much I'll post either, heh.
Me too! I'm all but immune to most horror/creepy stuff nowadays, sadly, though it still remains one of my major loves.
Same. :( When you become as desensitized as us, it becomes harder and harder to find that great spine chilling feeling again. Someday our prince mind-melting horror will come! Thank you! Nice icon. :o
Oh! Ha, oops. Sorry. If the forums pulled you out of lurkery, maybe it'll do the same for me! I'm sort of reclusive and shy when it comes to new people, but like I said before, there's a lot of cool people here.
I have! I absolutely adore them, from the narrative to the style to the way she'll use the comic platform to add to the creepiness. I'm always on the look out for new ones! My favorite is still The Prince and the Sea, because I'm terrified of the ocean on principle (hence I love it) and the way the last scene was delivered was like a punch to the guts.
@Ruevian Welcome! Plague doctors best doctors. Also, on the horror side of things, did you ever read Penpal? I'm not a huge fan of horror but that one really worked for me.
@Ruevian Was that the one with the bunch of kids in the woods in some trailers? I loved that shit, though it kinda felt like it didn't pick up on the spoops until closer to the end.
It was a slow build, yeah, but I'm into that too. Not the African folktale in this case, sorry! It was someone's username, the person who wrote the creepypasta.