HItherby Dragons is a nonlinear, postmodern web serial fiction by Jenna Moran (formerly known as R. Sean Borgstrom; writer of Nobilis and contributor to Exalted). It's about the allegorical plays put on by two kids who live at the edge of the world. Or maybe it's about two bloodlines, bound together by a promise that has gone horribly wrong. Or maybe it's about childhood trauma, and why the emptiness inside some people makes them monsters. It's about all those things. It also happens to be really funny, incredibly complex, and a source of strange and wonderful crossovers. It's currently on Indefinite Hiatus, but there's a massive archive and a lot of the arcs/sub-stories have been completed. You can start reading it here. There is a Next button just under the black bar on the right. If that doesn't work, the site has monthly archives, although they're in newest-first blog order. If you don't want to deal with that, there is a wiki with most of the first two storylines on it (less than half of what's on the blog, but still plenty of material). Discuss!
Hitherby is so good. I had a rough idea of what to expect when I started reading my way through the archives, but there are still phrases and stories that catch me off guard. I'm still like 12 years behind so I'm probably not going to say anything else because I don't want to make assumptions. I'll probably link my favorite stories in this thread so I can shout about them.
Have you ever turned to yourself and gone, "Gee, the hole in my life can only be filled with a Narnia/Atlas Shrugged crossover"? Then you're in luck, because Jenna Moran wrote precisely that! (Note: That's a tag page, so you need to read from the bottom up.)