I wasn't sure where else to put this, but I feel like this might be a funny thread for people to vent into. Talk about all those cute apartments /houses you wish you could rent but can't. General advice is also great here too. Who knows, maybe some ppl could get together to get a dream place. >:O I'll start: OBVIOUSLY if anyone has been keeping up w my bullshit, I'm currently on the throes of homelessness + potentially living in a car ( if my mom lets me buy it stares pointedly at her watching tv on the couch ). I have a lot of shit to do but I've overwhelmed myself with information and stress and all a that coupled w my depression makes me want to Give Up. But instead I just torture myself by looking at cute apartments I know I can never live in. DOES ANYONE ELSE DO THAT? LIKE WHY DO I MAKE MYSELF SUFFER LIKE THIS? also no one lives in Kansas I say as I stare at this cute, small house that would be affordable between roommates. EDIT: THIS PLACE PISSES ME OFF