How do I outside? (Confessions of an almost shut-in)

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Codeless, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Apparently, people go outside for reasons other than shopping or getting somewhere else. I´m not entirely sure why, but maybe I´ll get the appeal when I´ve done it more? (I go shopping, do official shit
    or visit mom, that about it)

    Actual question I want advice on: how does one budget spoons so as to be able to go outside without leaving important chores not done? Is there any way to make it more appealing?
  2. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Just throwing ideas out there, I might've even misunderstood the question.

    If the problem is spoons for interaction, you could always start with small things on your own, such as watching the sunset, or the sunrise, as a good starting point? They might sound boring, but the main appeal for me is how pretty they usually are. (and if you feel adventurous, you could tack stargazing on afterwards, once it got dark)
    If problem is chores and to do lists have to be done first, then sunset could still work, and in winter it isn't ridiculously late.
    If problem is people, then my only advice is things by yourself.

    Hope this was helpful :)
  3. Ink

    Ink Well-Known Member

    What in particular do you find unappealing about going outside?
  4. reiyel

    reiyel Active Member

    i think you'd have to go outside for things that tempt you in the first place, or else it's going to be a) stressful and b) pointless. just going outside to say "i went outside" will probably fill you with a great big "and so what," imho.

    1) find a movie that interests you and go to the theater (alone can be really fun too)
    2) do you collect anything? books, comics...? do you think you'd like a solid copy of something you've downloaded?
    3) do you like ice cream/eating at sushi restaurants/mcdonalds'/etc? (i know you could have it delivered but dining out can be fun too) if a whole evening out is too hard to think about, how about just buying a pretty cupcake or some little treat you like?
    4) if you draw, you could go outside to take pictures of neat things and pretty colors you can draw later for practice.
    5) petting zoo/pet shop/animals? a trip to the nearest zoo? walking by the dog park?

    personally if there's a treat/reward for going out then i feel like it helps me some. also probably plan it in advance, like a week or two, so that your brain has time to get used to the idea that Today is Chores Tomorrow is Out And Yes We Have A Plan. sudden "yeah today/tomorrow i'm going out" is way too stressful imho.

    if you're stressed out by the idea of being alone, is there anyone who you'd want to invite along? because if they routinely go outside it would probably be fairly trivial for them to say yes, it wouldn't be a huge sacrifice so you shouldn't feel like you can't ask because you're imposing. but plenty of people do things on their own too.

    or if you want to start smaller, when you go out for shopping you could take a longer route when you come back, to explore around and stretch your legs a bit. curiosity might motivate you to keep going, who knows.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    It´s not that I find going outside violently unappealing, it´s just that I don´t find it especially appealing either. And since it costs a fair amount of spoons, I tend to not do it much.
    Basically that.
    Things besides spoon cost which ARE unpleasant: Strangers and sensory input I can´t control. Which nixes most of your suggestions.
    Problem with that is, grocery shopping is, on mediocre-to-bad days, a full day activity, so I won´t have spare time on the way to the shop, and on the way back I´m carrying heavy shit and wanna get home as soon as possible.

    I´m sorry for seeming so negative. My situation right now is that apparently, staying inside all the time is bad for you. Also, people seem to enjoy being outside, so there´s got to be SOMETHING fun out there, just beats me what it could be.
    -loud shrugging-
  6. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    By "outside" do you mean any place other than your home or do you mean out of doors?
  7. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Yes, though places which are indoors but not my home hold slightly more appeal because they tend to contain something or someone interesting to me if I´m going there.
  8. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    i too am a homebody. i suggest museums. they give a decent walk, you can sit and stare, there are pretty and inspiring things, no one expects you to talk to them, some are nearly library-quiet, and you walk away feeling enculturated and shit. the ones in my city offer certain hours free of charge. i soak them up like bread in soup.

    this city also has great botanical gardens. another great walk, another free activity. totally worth it for me when i can see butterflies being happy and flowers in bloom. ymmv of course, and i cant go in peak sun or i will die because i am a vampire. you can go alone to this too, aint nobody gonna judge you.

    have you thought about plugging in elsewhere? local library might have free wifi so you can sit somewhere that isnt your home. i sometimes relocate to the business center of this apt complex. even tho its just downstairs, it is not-the-apartment and so it totally counts. if you are sensory-sensitive, i do not recommend coffeeshops, the smell will linger in your hair and clothes long after you leave even if its still totally possible to get away with noise-canceling headphones.
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  9. Greywing

    Greywing Resident dead bird

    Seconding the "do things alone or with a friend who already does stuff" and "museums are good and quiet" suggestions.

    I like walking around to feed pigeons or look for free usable items people throw out. Dog parks are nice if you like dogs, although you often need to say at least a cursory hello to their owners. As others said, the main thing is that it works best if there's something inherently rewarding to you about what you're going out to do - otherwise, it will make contemplating going out seem even more pointless next time, because you'll have given yourself another mental example of "Well, that time I went out and it was boring/annoying/tiring and I got nothing out of it."
  10. The J

    The J 16-layer Fightme Dip

    I'm literally agoraphobic. I can't leave my home without at the very LEAST 24 hours notice without going into a panic attack.
    I have 'rituals' that I have to do before I leave, too, but I can't really get into that without setting myself off right now.
    So, how do I Outside at the drop of a hat without becoming a snarling mass of teeth and metaphorical knives?
    I get baked as shit. It's the only way I can even partially function on a human level.
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