Hi how do I vote in the Minnesota Primaries? I want to tell them that Sanders is a cool dude but I don't know whereto go or what to do or... anything. I'm a registered voter, like, in general, I did the presidential vote in 2012, but I don't think if that's enough for the primaries too and government websites REALLY confuse me.
It looks like MN is an open primary? Which means that just being registered to vote is enough. This site tells you what the ballot will look like. This should tell you where to go. This just has a bunch of information, I'm not sure if it's helpful or not.
@Re Allyssa THIS IS THE INFORMATION I DESIRED. Thank you, official websites like that are particularly baffling to me, since they turn from English into Serious Business English and I spent a lifetime avoiding that. Looks like I walk a distance that should not kill me in March, weather-wise, and that I haven't been mysteriously de-registered to vote, which is a legitimate worry, you guys, really.