How NOT to Manage Your Spoons (An Autobiography)

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by wixbloom, May 15, 2015.

  1. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    1. Forget headphones at home! This is horrible. Wonder to yourself why you're so tired at barely 2pm and, after a day of unfiltered noise, have fun developing a massive headache by 5pm.

    2. Sure you need rest and quiet but hey, you have a psych appointment at 7! Rescheduling is NOT a thing you can do. Go into the crowded, stuffy bus. Talk to your psych. Be too tired to even be happy that from now on you'll only have monthly appointments to refill your antidepressants prescription.

    3. When you finally arrive home at night, so fucked up you don't even want to turn on any light because they're painful, refuse to just call it a day even though the first thing you did as you walked in was literally to take off all your clothes and fall facedown into bed. Get up. Take a shower, heat something up for dinner, drink tea, play videogames a bit. Ignore that this time instead of giving you more spoons as it normally does this ritual is spending them.

    4. Still, go to sleep early! That's good right? But don't forget to set your alarm clock for asscrack am. Wouldn't wanna miss that 7:30 am class you have on Friday one hour away from home, would you?

    5. On the way to campus stop to collect a payment. This means 3 buses instead of just two, and also, since they hand you over a hundred essays for next week along with the pay, extra weight to carry. The money does cheer you up, though, so that's good.

    6. Go to class having at least brought your headphones along and had a nice breakfast (chocolate milk and a banana)*. Hey did you know your classrooms are lit with EIGHT LARGE FLUORESCENT LAMPS producing a HORRIBLE WHITE GLARE? It's true! Sit close to the window in search of the softer, more natural light of a cloudy early morning. Your professor makes you come closer to the rest of the class so you're not too isolated. You're now in the center of the room, facing the glaring white projection screen! Yaaay.

    6. Leave class in shambles. Take a few breaths. Since you only have activities in the campus 3 and a half hours from now, decide it's worth taking the 1-hour two-bus trip back home for a bit of quiet. Actually get to relax a bit on said trip.

    7. As soon as you arrive home, decide to leave again to buy kitty litter which you didn't get yesterday because you were exhausted (ignore the fact that you still are). Buy cat food as well, why the fuck not. Haul 8 kilos of litter + 3 kilos of cat food up the flight of stairs back to your apartment. Change the 3 litterboxes. You have lost half an hour of relaxing time and in an hour you'll need to leave again. Time to worry about lunch!

    8. OK, just stick a frozen pizza in the oven and fuck everything. Play a new videogame to relax. Oops, you need a complicated installation and registration process and also its mechanics take a while to get the hang of, and now your pizza is done.

    9. NOW you'll get to relax a bit. Maybe make some tea? Tea sure would be nice. Except SOME ASSHOLE STARTS RINGING YOUR DOORBELL. AND DOESN'T STOP. You try to ignore it but grow increasingly anxious. It keeps ringing. You give in and answer. It's the electricity guy who needs to be let in to check the building up**. You put on your shoes, go outside and let him in.

    10. Welp, no point in not leaving now. You just put the rest of the pizza back in the fridge, chase the cat out of the kitchen where it is Not supposed To Go (even though you really really can't with cat chasing right now) and go take 2 buses back to work.

    11. Sit in front of a tiny kid who is excitedly pointing everything out of the window to his mom in his tiny squaky kid voice ("MOM, LOOK, A BIRD!"). It's adorable but aaaargh can we just not.

    12: Take the scenic route in the campus, see lots of trees and kick some fine gravel that makes nice sounds and see a girl in a beautiful wooshy dress and a girl with a very beautiful thick braid in her hair; feel a bit better. Settle in quietly at work, turn off lights in your office and diminish PC screen brightness to zero. That's good! Guess what: there's no water at the office for some reason. Make phone calls to discover what the hell is going on. Explain to workmates and boss what the hell is going on and that the campus admins are already sendind someone to fix the problem.

    13: Remain not entirely convinced that you shouldn't go to the gym when you leave work. Kick yourself in the teeth while yelling "TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUCKING SELF INSTEAD OF PUSHING YOURSELF FOR ONCE, ASSHOLE!" and end your earthly suffering.

    * I understand that in the US breakfast is an actual meal you cook, but Brazilians traditionally have very light and uncomplicated breakfasts. Bread and butter plus black coffee is a fave, as well as fruit and milk, cereal, milk and a fruit juice or even just something to drink (milk, coffee, orange juice), so in this particular sentence fragment I'm not being ironic.

    ** Can't word this better right now, but this is a legit thing and it's always the same guy.
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
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  2. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Yikes, that sounds not nice.
    -sends internet hugs-
    Hope you can catch a break soon-ish (as in, the next few hours, or over the weekend)

    is it just me, or is the ** in the footnotes, but not in the list? i can't seem to find it. (might just be me failing spot checks as always, tho)
  3. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Oh yes, it referred to the electricity guy! Thanks for pointing that out @whimsicalobservant

    Turns out I'm already better. PC brightness is still set to zero, contrast is reduced and my office lights are off. I told my coworkers I have "a really bad headache" because that's a shorter explaination, and they understood. So I've been happily sitting in the dark for the past 4 hours and after that I'll go home and rest :3
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