How to be a Real Artist TM???

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Sol, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    so we all know how fan commissions and furry commissions and the like work (haha sike no one actually knows how they work) but due to recent pressure from the fam yadda yadda i've been coerced into making my art more easily accessible to normies. which is fine since, y'know, a feral furry is basically just a dog and everyone loves dogs. i live in ass nowhere fieldsville so everyone around here is weirdly obsessed with their dogs and horses so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    unfortunately this means i have to conduct myself as an Adult and A Real Artist TM which is... a bit different from being like aight you furry fucklords send me your refs and i'll draw your 'sona's ass.
    1. how the hell does one advertise art in a professional manner? i got asked what an art giveaway was the other day i didn't even realise that was a fandom thing
    2. has anyone ever sold art at a show that wasn't a con? how the hell does that work? anything that's drastically different??
    3. what's the actual legal gubbins for selling fanart prints online? like, im pretty sure disney isn't going to come for my ass for making 20p on a zootopia sticker but i'd rather not get any accounts frozen by accident
    4. is it worth officially listing myself as an ""independant trader"" so i can milk the welfare state for sweet sweet free prescriptions?
    feel free to add your own questions if you're in a similar spot because i am lost as all hell. we can form a support group for crying about making paypal work.
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