soooooooooooo, because I haven't been on here, you've missed the ongoing SAGA of my boyfriend's passive aggressive fucking roommates. They just topped themselves. By locking us out of the dish cabinet. Which contains almost all the dishes we have in the apartment. Because, idk. We were using too many? Who fucking knows. This isn't even the first incident. Roommate T threw out the brownies I made (almost an entire batch), because I didn't clean one pan fast enough for him. Roommate A hid both tea and, later on, the fucking coffee machine in her room so we couldn't use them. They consistently blame every little thing that goes wrong on me, even when there was LITERALLY no way it could have been me. And they're huge dicks to Toby, the other roommate, who's a sweetheart hidden under a veneer of snark/apathy. He never leaves his room, how can you hate him? It's like hating a plant! Also, Tyler "doesn't believe" in non binary people. Also earlier they were exploiting me for rides to the supermarket cause they can't drive.
Wow, what a canoe of dicks. Sorry you have to put up with that. :( a few important questions: are you sharing a house or apartment? Whose name is on the lease/who owns the property? if you or your boyfriend are in control of the property/lease the roommates can be...coerced. if not then here are a few thing i would suggest: (btw i was raised by the queen of passive aggression and have NO patience for it) -who owns/buys the coffee maker and tea etc? if the answer is you or your boyfriend you can either move the stuff to rooms you two control. (a little inconvenient but effective) if they take it again you can literally call theft depending on the country you're in. or you can buy one of your own it you have the funds -consult the roommate agreement/lease -concerning the way they treat you: people who are passive aggressive fuckwits are usually redirecting their own problems onto their victims. they are usually insecure. in my experience confronting them does not usually work as they usually deny being passive aggressive in the first place (and some believe they actually aren't) they will prob say its you causing the problems or that you deserve it etc etc :( they prob will not change, ever HOW TO FIX THIS v -write up rules for everyone -sequester belongings (like you get one cabinet and a shelf in the fridge to yourself -make dish rules (like you dirty it you clean it in x amount of time etc -know you can actually call the cops on your roomies for domestic abuse/ destruction of property etc if they get really bad -long term: kick them out or move out if necessary (sorry if this is harsh or unhelpful i just really hate these kinds of people) p.s. Tyler sounds like a tool (well they all sound like tool but you know you I mean) hang in there
Thanks. None of us own it, it's a school apartment. Everyone's gonna be moving out once the semester ends, so we really just have to hold out till then. Most of our stuff has been hauled into our room. The coffee maker is theirs, but what made it frustrating was that everyone had blanket permission to use it, and that never got discussed/revoked. It just got hidden. Tea is mine, and is being put in my room...probably in about a minute, actually. Not gonna bother confronting them. It's just gonna be too much of a hassle in the long run. The frustrating thing is that rules were written up, cabinets were divided up, everything. Aaaand then they took a flying leap off the deep end. (this is super appreciated, thank you.) Tyler is a huge tool. He also mansplains everything. EVERYTHING.
oh jeez THAT kinda guy yeah ive met people like that. :T well at least you aren't stuck /w them a whole year. you shall soon escape the crazies! Hang in there, emythos. feel free to vent when you need it :D
He tried to explain to me how to bake a cake. When I spent most of the year stress baking ALL THE BAKED GOODS in front of him. Yes, condescend to the guy who's been feeding you sugary foods this whole time. SOOOOOOOONNNNNN thanks, probably will do, these guys are only getting worse.
you might be able to report their behavior to the school, they would be able to take it into consideration when they do housing next.