how to donations?

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Everett, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    I want to help peeps and donate to various gofundmes and youcarings and such

    Ive only ever managed to get through the executive dysfunction and/or reluctance to give paypal my information once

    So, for someone who has an online-compatible debit card and the spare money to purchase one of those whatsits (those cards you get in grocery stores, are they prepaid credit cards? Idk)... how do i donation?

    Is giving paypal my information bad/inadvisable

    Are there Rules and Consequences for using a prepaid credit card (do you enter into some kind of Hell Contract by spending the card?)

  2. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    in my experience pre-paid cards are pretty easy, but the downsides are

    1) you have a 3-5 dollar expense on top of the amount of money you're putting on the card (exact amount depends on brand i think)

    2) if you only have like $2.35 left, online things don't let you combine it with another card, so you have to either use it up in meatspace (meatspace cashiers can combine them with cash and/or another prepaid card) or eat the loss

    3) it's very very difficult to get a refund if you need to return something or there is an issue with the payment. i lost ~40 bucks this way once when gc2b's website didn't process the card correctly. something went wrong and gc2b didn't get the money, but the money was no longer on the card. i tried contacting their customer service and then mastercard's but the process was really confusing and i gave up. i still don't actually know if a refund would have been possible​

    that said, ive used prepaid cards a lot and usually everything works fine. in my experience with visa and mastercard prepaid cards, you do not enter into a hell contract when using them. sometimes the card will say you need to register it in order to use it online, i have found this to be false and have successfully used prepaid cards online without registering them
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