I'm real bad at this kinda thing (the thing I put here had a link to something I didn't intend) I'm new here, suggested by a friend* for a place to talk about brainstuff without the chance of random hostility a la reddit. *(not the most accurate thing to say but accuracy would require Quite A Ramble) so, I'm 20, trans (they/she) and queer, definitely have serious depression/anxiety wombo combo, possible cPTSD, potential DID. currently spending my time playing minecraft (FTB infinity evolved skyblock, if you're that kinda person) and shitposting on twitter.
Hey nerd! (also note for everyone: I am the friend* and tbh I do not care much as to what extent the * is or is not explained - the important thing to know is that I invited bun here and they are a good people :3 )
@Elaienar thanks ^^ @Acey yeah but I usually play games for a period and drop them forever. minecraft is the exception cause modpacks are basically different games @TheMockingCrows I've dumped so much time into it q_q
oh gosh, uh, most of the minecraft stuff I've done is lost to the pre-age-18 memory hole, but the coolest thing I remember was a setup of apiaries, pipes, chests, a tree farm, a seed farm, and carpenters to automatically make alvearies
yup did a playthrough/mainly screwing around with my best friend at the time when 1.1 came out, and another with my ex on 1.3
Hello @bunnies! Playing a game a bunch and then dropping it for months if not forever is my modus operandi too.
I didn't realize until just now that you Could put punctuation marks in usernames awesome! I have learned a new thing