Hypersensitive Hearing??

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Telly, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. Telly

    Telly Needs More Pizza

    Okay so.

    Over the past few days, I've noticed something off.
    My hearing senses are ridiculously sensitive.
    I've never had an issue with this before, ever.

    I'm having to turn down my music,
    lower the volume of my headphones.

    I can hear a ridiculously quiet flatline sound from my wifi extender.

    But the worst part is that it's painful.

    At work, where I'm constantly hearing the sounds of plates and dishes being loaded and stacked,
    and pots and pans and the sounds of metal scraping against metal, it hurts.
    Physically, it's painful.
    My head pounds with all the noise,
    and the sounds just make my body ache to the point where
    I want to curl up on the floor.

    I don't know what's going on, and I don't like it.
    If this is the universe's way of giving me some sort of superpower, I don't want it.

    Does anyone else have any form of experience with something like this?
    Or at least have advice?

    I dread going in to work now because of it.
    It's not like they can do the dishes quietly at a busy restaurant.
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  2. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    i can get pretty severe auditory sensitivity from my autisms, but since this is such an sudden onset, that's probably not what's going on for you. my ears kinda pulse whenever i hear an unpleasant sound, or one too loud or too soft. and then some sounds feel like they're ripping into my brain.

    so idk if what works for me would help for you, but you can try them... i find that if sounds from electronics are getting too painful, finding soothing music (piano and some kinds of electronica are best for me, but drums and vocals still hurt often) to cover up bad sounds is necessary. also just limiting all sensory data. like sitting in a dark room, have a nice soothing, neutral smell like coffee or tea around. though i know that can be next to impossible at work for that. since it is so sudden onset, i might look into neurological things that might have caused it, and maybe take a sick day if you can to store up some spoons. but this sort of sudden onset does sound more neurological than anything, and i'd encourage getting it looked into.
  3. Telly

    Telly Needs More Pizza

    I don't believe I have autism; I've never really had any ties to it.
    That being said, I never considered that it could be a neurological thing.
    I'm 24 years old and have ever experienced something like this,
    so it was really kinda scary and shit to begin with.

    I actually waited awhile to post this thread here,
    mostly because I was nervous.
    I did try looking up things on the Google,
    but nothing relevant turned up for what is happening.

    Perhaps it could be a BPD thing?
    I don't know.

    I've had a lot of crazy shit happen to me because of my BPD,
    but if this just adds to the pile,
    then it's taking the cake at this point.
  4. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    You might look into musician's earplugs. I had a pair for a while and they seriously helped with my hearing issues (frequent headaches, couldn't process conversations). Basically they block out some sound but not all. You can get them in, I think, -10 to -20 dB versions. They are pricey ($200 ish) but so incredibly worth it.
  5. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    My first inclination is to say it sounds like an unusually presenting migraine. Either way, though, this is something to see a doctor about. Given the sudden onset, it could be something very serious.
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  6. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    yeah, I get this a lot, and it's tough to deal with (and it's annoying when people think I don't like doing housework because I have a bad work ethic and they don't understand that a lot of sounds like vacuums, sounds of dished banging together, even running water in the sink, is physically painful for me.)

    but sudden onset sounds like a migraine. I get even more noise sensitive and very light sensitive when I have a migraine even though light normally doesn't bother me. Sill, it's worth going to a doctor just in case something else neurological is going on.
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