Most people I know IRL will tell you I can sleep for England. Which is true once I'm actually asleep. But it's the falling asleep part that is problematic. I really dislike dreaming. I don't like feeling out of control, ending up in places and situations without a means of preventing it. I tried to train myself to lucid dream, but no dice. This isn't even necessarily a nightmare thing. It's just that when I get in to bed and close my eyes, the thought that shortly my brain will dump me in to some random place where random shit will happen freaks me out, whether or not the circumstances of the dream are good or not. I also feel like I dream pretty intensely, and as a result I wake up feeling tired because my brain has been running on all cylinders subconsciously all night. I try to tire myself out during the day as much as possible so I have no choice but to sleep. But all that happens is I end up staying awake until ridiculous o'clock, or don't sleep at all. At the moment it's coming up on 2am where I am and I know I should be asleep. Yet here I am. There have been several nights this week alone where I just haven't slept at all. I'm kind of at a loss. All the stuff I've found online is tailored towards people that have nightmares or night terrors, and that isn't my issue. It's dreaming in general and my vague fear thereof. I'm already on medication that's meant to help me sleep, and I'm wary of asking for actual sleeping pills because I know I'll just end up not taking them, because they'll force me in to this place where I don't want to be. Thoughts? Suggestions? Anecdotes of similar issues other people have? I'm open to pretty much anything at this point. In the meantime I'm going to go and lie in bed and hope for the best.
Witnessed. I mean, I actually do struggle with nightmares, too, but this sounds a lot like me. I don't have a lot of advice just off the top of my head, but I can observe what I do tonight and collect up my coping ideas to post later, and I'll definitely keep an eye on anyone else's advice.