lots of people have those weird hipster shades on their avatar and i am such confuse. please inform an oblivious when and why this started happening?
the shades came from the complaints department circular file. most of them were edited onto our avatars by @applechime, but not all of them.
We're having a dance party in the complaints department thread. It started roughly here and has been going since.
We tried to move it to another thread but @Vast Derp has forced us to dance for him. please help. i havent slept in two days
thanks xD this is what happens when i check out of drama for a few days... looks like i got some reading to catch up on
I will cheerfully edit shades onto anyone and everyone's avatar, but not at this precise moment, because I am at a 24 hour McDonald's. In 8-9 hours I will be prepared to put shades on things again B)
could you put some onto my flower...spiral...thing? idc where. and whenever you have a moment. there's no rush!
i am a teeensy bit intoxicated and slightly deafened at the moment, but if I am the alert sort of awake by the time I get home, that will be the first order of business B)
I too had no idea what was going on but can my lil fawn have cool shades too? I would be a Much Cooler tiny deer and very grateful :P
Ah, this rambling silliness. It reminds me of home. :u; Profile. http://p.globalsources.com/IMAGES/PDT/B1062970196/Party-Glasses.jpg http://www.santashopgifts.com/images/Shutter_Shades_Sunglasses.jpg Gimme a bit.
I kind of want to ask for shades, just to see where they'd end up. Where does a weird line drawing put shutter shades, anyway? edit: please and thanks! Almost forgot my manners.