So. I confessed to my crush today! We're good friends and all, and have been for... uh... two and a half-odd years, off the top of my head. I'm perennially bad at detangling my own feelings, so "I have a crush on you" was couched somewhat in maybes and it took me a while to reach this conclusion. And, as it turns out, my crush - being similarly bad at feelings - is not sure whether or not they have a crush on me either. So, to quote myself, Neither of us are entirely sure how to proceed from here, and that's where the "posting this in the advice forum" bit comes in.
... this is fucking adorable. if you're in meatspace together, try cuddling and see if you guys are into it? then progress to kissing, etc. it should become clear with enough testing. ;)
Unfortunately, we do not inhabit nearby meatspaces, so cuddling etcetera may be somewhat tricky. Thanks for the advice, though.
i guess the answer to "where do we proceed from here?" is another question, i.e., what do you want to happen?
... Good question. It seems, following a quick poll, that neither of us really know. Among other things, neither of us have any idea how internet relationships work.
in my case it involves a lot of time on trillian/skype, a lot of pining, and making plans for the future. i'm not sure i have any good advice on how to make an internet relationship work, though; it's going on 10 years that we've been dating both online and off, and sometimes i still feel like i stumbled into it by accident. (in a good way, mind.)
According to someone who knows us both, it has been mildly obvious for a while. This is both a good thing and a mildly embarrassing thing.
Believe you me, when it comes to crushes, you are generally the last person to know. That's been my experience at least :P
Ha ha, I've been here. I think you're in a good place, acknowledging that you don't know where you want the relationship to go gives the relationship enough space to become what it wants to become. In mouse's ideal world, at least, every relationship is considered it's own beast, only related to the rest by virtue of being a relationship. Make this relationship exactly what the two of you want it to be as its type. You seem to have some feeling that is mutual, which is awesome! Whether that feeling is like... unambiguously romantic is up to you. It's cool that something this ambiguous is this shared between the two of you. So my advice would be to indulge that and see what the feeling wants to be. If it doesn't actual make many real life changes but just makes you feel good because you know you feel the same way about it... a'ight. A'ight. Congrats >u<