hello! i finally got around to joining the forums, even though i had it on my to-do list for at least a couple months. i'm ray (raydelblau on tumblr and flight rising). trans male, he/his/etc. - 22 years old, 5'4'', anxious and autistic, and a universal donor (if you need a blood bag, please ask before transfusing!) philly native, baltimore bound. bespectacled and lightly speckled. often cranky. likes puns, dislikes music. champion lurker. - aggressively pan-romantic (with full quadrants). i have no idea what type of -sexual i am, though. data currently point to a-, which (for reasons i will likely discuss later) dismays me to no end. bluh. - fledgling neuroscientist. i'm starting my first full-time research position in mid-july, and am super excited about it (and about graduate school, which i will attend two years from now). i will talk about brains until i am blue in the face... even though i don't know nearly as much as i want to know. there is so much to know! so much. it's amazing. - spergery: brainstuff, homestuck, aSoIaF, RP (pathfinder and paragraph-style), lotr, stephen king, gunnerkrigg, watchmen, hatoful, HP, gender/sexuality, israel, weird illnesses-- fuck, there are a lot of things, i'm stopping here. when i can, i draw people. motivation has been at an all-time low these past few months, however. currently: learning to program! python is a lot of fun, and a great way to procrastinate packing.