So it came up in a thread that having a sort of kintsugi food pantry might be a handy thing. And Amazon as something called amazon prime pantry (they also have a prime now in some cities which will do thinks like cow milk but you need an ap for ordering that). Prime pantry also has things like paper towels, shampoo, toilet paper, cleaning supplies. vauge ideas for set up? 1. an either dedicated prime account or an account sharing someone prime though the family set up. a. setting up an account that pigybacks someone existing prime membership would be cheaper b. ?? 2. a paypal or other account that can be donated/added too easily that can have debit card off it that is connected the Pantry account for purchases a) we would need someone trusted, good with money, and not likely to buy a gaming system to control/set up the money account b) or there is the option of using the amazon allowance system, which allows people to add money to an amazon account. 1. this would get around the issue of amazon sometimes wanting the card re-entered for new addresses 3. Issues a. this would have to all be on the honor system that people buy food necessities b. would we set a dollar amount on a box? c. how often would people be able to order? d. oversight?? e. people would have to be comfortable with adding their address even short term to the account for the order. f. would special non pantry exceptions be allowed to be purchased: ie someone desperately needs a nice shirt for an interview or a new bra or underwear, or a winter jacket - or should that be another fund?
I've also thought about the idea of a Kintsugi Emergency Fund, that people could contribute to when they could, and ask for cash from when they needed. I would think that would have to be in the hands of one or two very responsible people whom the kintsugijin trusted.