Lagomorph’s Shoutin’ Wharf (tbh mostly wierd story ideas)

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by LumiLapin, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    hey are....twine games supposed to have art??? how much???
  2. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    also no and thank u for offering but! I think I got that figured out now :3
    • Like x 1
  3. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    [sing to the tune of rock the casbah]
    • Agree x 1
  4. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    Ok longer game ideas just to. Put them here
    the story of a simple extra from a fairy tale who is in love with the beautiful princess-when the princess runs away to escape her fate or whatever, the extra (a baker?) follows, travelling through fairy tales and taking advantage of their status as an extra to blend into any role, subtly reshaping the world. Also there is someone destined to be a villain who found out the nature of the world and is determined not to be a bad guy- but often their attempts to avoid being evil end up a little bit evil. Unsure if this last one is just someone encountered along the way or if they are from the same story as the extra and determinedly made friends with someone who "doesn't matter" just to defy fate
    setting is early 2000s era fandom internet. There have been nasty rumors going on about a BNF in pcs primary fandom, and the pc decides to investigate. Would have different factions that the pc can either ally with or fight with and individual people who can be friends, enemies, love interests, ect. The interface would be a series of website that update as you go through the game, with some websites being faction specific or hidden or act. Would include at least one con that dissolves into huge drama and maybe even...murder.
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  5. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    A photographic journey of trying to get a clear picture of my aunt’s pup, Werner Herzdog
    FD47B60A-E3FA-425C-8945-D06568FDEEB5.jpeg 1D0C67E0-E078-45CC-B271-875E2AE02155.jpeg 505D6667-43A8-4569-8148-39D48666F015.jpeg 012664CD-FCCC-44AA-8CC0-97EA127400F4.jpeg 2AD61B57-734D-42CF-90CB-C1BE87B19789.jpeg 3F7ECC17-403B-4945-AEE8-CE88A87233FA.jpeg

    Attached Files:

    • Winner x 2
  6. Lebesgue Integreat

    Lebesgue Integreat Lesbian Intrigue

    An excellent and excitable dog.
    • Like x 1
  7. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    Had a dream where I was part of a national secret operation to prove that’s Sarah Palim was abusing her pet crocodile or other bigass lizards. My and one other persons jon was to gently follow her around the mall, making sure others had enough time to investigate her house. I blew our cover when I didn’t take a free cod sample from the sports supply store In the mall
  8. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    Me: I'm an adult now and I have put aside the cringy ass music of my youth.
    Me: has a phone full of vocaloid
    Me: hears nickelback come on the radio and can't help but fucking jam
    • Agree x 1
  9. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    ...I wanna game that's like. Habitica but it's cuter and u just dress up and make a lil house and maybe raise pets. Don't wanna worry about levels n shit gimme something cute
  10. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun hard....would that be to make....if u know nothing about coding...
  11. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    I still like my full habit shop game idea but that would be way more complicated lol
  12. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    Categories would be Daily Life, which are tasks like doing dishes, making dinner, cleaning up, ect. This would go towards upgrading and customizing ur house. Then there are appointments, which u set up and can be either 1 time or during a time span (so u could use them for a doctor's appointment and classes) and I think these help u get new pets and care for them??? Or maybe health and excercise does that. Then there are tasks and projects, projets being just larger collections of tasks. U don't have to give them a time limit but u get more if u do and u meet it. This helps u get new shit to customize ur character. Oh! Maybe appointments help u meet silly npcs hat like. Move in near u and it's kinda like animal crossing
    • Like x 1
  13. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    Yes. Like animal crossing. U can chose what kinda environment u wanna live in, and the more u di the more it evolves, w u getting to make aesthetic choices of like. What kinda paths there should be n such.
    • Like x 1
  14. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    U can use real money to buy diff kinds of houses, like a tree house or a hobbit hole or like a castle
  15. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    Is it possible to make a game like this SNTIRELY outta if:then gates
  16. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    Just made a cheesecake for the first time! Hope its half decent- im not a master baker by any means but I am half decent at following instructions so. hopefully I picked good instructions? I also dont like cheesecake so its hard for me to tell;;;;;
    • Like x 1
  17. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    I dont know why Im eh on cheesecake but fucking love cream cheese frosting. guess thats just how it is on this bitch of an earth
  18. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    Aha 2017 mummy is so fantastically bad
  19. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

    This bitch is like "they were different times" bt she fucking murdered her dad and his wife it's fucking hilarious
  20. LumiLapin

    LumiLapin Bad Bad Bun

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