live in nc? desire a large, friendly dog?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. wicked! boy oh boy do i have the dog for you. his name is gelato, he's a pyrenees mix, (probably with lab) and he's about four years old. somewhere in the area of 100 lbs? he's friendly with small children, other dogs, and strangers of all sorts. he is part pyr, so he'll alert to bumps in the night, meaning that he'd be a better fit for a house than an apartment. a fenced yard or a willingness to furnish him with leashed walks is a must. doesn't know much obedience wise, but is housebroken and good natured about walking on a leash. very affectionate, enjoys cuddling and being around you.
    gelato will settle politely and without fuss but also enjoys all manner of exercise when you're up to it. low to mid energy level.
    gelato and his friend ginger (spoken for) are a pair of dogs who first wandered onto my school's campus about a month back. their ostensible owner won't pick them up or get back to anyone who calls him, leaving gelato in a bit of a bind. i've been feeding them and hiding them in my dorm at night, but it's not a tenable situation. gelato is located near asheville nc. pm me for exact location if interested, and feel free to ask more questions about gelato in this thread. i will answer to the best of my ability!

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