Lurker de-lurking to say hi

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Peophin, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. Peophin

    Peophin Easily Distracted

    Hi all. I’ve technically been lurking here for a while but haven’t worked up the courage to start posting. But I desperately need social interaction for the sake of my mental health and y’all seem like some pretty cool people. I’m really really bad at social interaction but hopefully the people on here can put up with me while I try to remember how to get better at it.

    So, hi, I’m Peo and I’m a gigantic nerd. At the moment I’m feeling like more of a she but call me whatever the hell pronouns you want. I’ve got a whole host of issues including depression/anxiety/ADHD/possibly autism but what the hell even is diagnosis, which I bring up because y’all may be seeing a lot of my venting on here. I’m also a massive anime geek with a truly gigantic manga collection (think close to a thousand volumes), and just kind of a huge geek in general.

    I am also, at the time of posting this, in the process of writing my first (though definitely far from last) novel. It’s a silly gay romance about a prince who runs off with a pirate. This tells you basically everything you need to know about me.

    So yeah, um, hi and nice to meet everyone?
    • Like x 5
  2. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Hey! Cool, another adhd buddy! Tell me more about the gay pirate please :3
  3. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Hello! Seconding the request for info about your novel, it sounds like my kind of thing already.

    (Any particular faves for anime/manga?)
  4. Quell

    Quell the unnamable

    Hi Peo! What genres of manga do you like? (thirding request for gay pirate novel info, omg)
  5. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    hey friendo!! glad you're gonna start posting :0
  6. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    hi there!
    silly gay romances are great
  7. Peophin

    Peophin Easily Distracted

    Nice to meet you all! Haha, wow, I'm glad about the interest in the gay pirate romance. Basically: Prince goes overboard during a storm. Pirate saves him and is like, "Ooh hey he's hot I should keep him around for a while," so he does, because pirate. Prince quickly realizes he's having the time of his life but is too repressed to admit it. A whole bunch of ~feelings~ happen. Meanwhile the princess is back home trying to figure out how to out-scheme their scheming uncle. Eventually the prince runs off to be a pirate himself, they are gay pirates together, the princess gladly stays home to run the country, everyone is happy.

    As for manga favorites... my all-time favorite would probably be Monster, but I'm partial to other things like FMA and Pandora Hearts as well. I like psychological stuff, mystery, suspense, horror, fantasy, action... but ultimately I'll read almost anything as long as it's good :D;
    • Like x 8
  8. Quell

    Quell the unnamable

    wtf that sounds adorable

    I'm on-and-off watching the anime adaptation of Monster right now! I've heard it's mostly faithful to the source material? I'll probably end up trying to hunt down the manga anyway, haha.
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