Medication Advice

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Willowanderer, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    it was a toss up between here and the Braaaaaains forum, but I'm really just looking for advice, so, here I am!
    *jazz hands*
    I'm going to be starting cymbalta this week, my doctor recommended it for my group of symptoms (anxiety, depression and he was most concerned about my sleep patterns) on the plus side, he's a sweetheart and is hooking me up with a month's trial of it without charge. (he said 'it's so frustrating to have to pay for something and then have it NOT WORK. I'll get you free samples.')
    My job will be taking it every day and watching carefully for side effects.
    So, has anyone here taken it and if so, what side effects should I watch for? So often the ones that are listed are not the ones that really bother people who've actually taken it.

    Also this is the first medication I've ever taken that wasn't like, an antibiotic. I'm 36 years old and I'm terrified, but hopeful.
  2. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Oh man Cymbalta is pretty well my favourite thing, aside from how ridiculously expensive it is. First antidepressant that worked and continued to work for me.

    The only real side effect I've noticed is that if I take it too soon before I sleep, I have really bad heartburn the next day. I also found that splitting my dose to take it twice a day made my mood more stable; when I was taking it once a day my mood would start getting lower a couple hours before I was due for my next dose. (Cymbalta has a kind of short half-life) That's the sort of thing you need to discuss with your doctor, though.
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  3. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    the only thing I've noticed so far is that I'm having wicked drymouth this month. it could just be febuary.
    so no real improvement, but no real side effects and I'm starting with a low dose.
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