Hypothyroidism makes the... er... excretion function of my innards not work for days or weeks at a time. I'm well hydrated, eating right, doing everything I should, to no avail. Suggestions? Commiseration?
Some commiseration but no good suggestions, unfortunately. I have the combination of the hypothyroid "too much stop" and ASD/meds-side-effect/general family GI issues "too much go," so I know how much suck there is. When I'm super uncomfortable in my innards, I have found that standing in the shower, turned up about as hot as is comfortable, and leaning against the wall with the spray directed right at my lower back, does huge things for cramping/pressure relief, if nothing else.
... i may be horrible and unhelpful, but all i could think about was this. but yeah, seconding the hot water at lower back idea - a hot water bootle might work too.
if it's getting painful to have not gone, you could consider laxatives or even potentially an enema. i try to only use those things as a last-resort sort of deal myself but i generally have the opposite problem with my guts.. any sign of stress can trigger diarrhea so.
Picked up some senna tea, seems to have done the trick. Going to ask about an early blood test to see if I need to up my synthroid. Gut malfunction is a fairly good sign that something is off.
What works for me sometimes when I have trouble going is sitting on the toilet, hanging out with a good book and my feest on an elevation of some kind. Then just wait until you can't stand it anymore. I have also heard suggested that a table spoon full of olive oil swallowed will help.
When I have a horrible store stomach, I drink a buttload of peppermint tea and put a heatpack + something heavy on my stomach and that eventually helps. But for the other stuff, I don't really know .-. Seconding maybe laxatives?
Longstanding practice. Dad has Crohn's, used to refer to the bathroom as The Library. I picked up the habit.